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Jimin's POV

I can't help it if I was born thinking that I'm meant to be above everyone.
After all, I am the son of a billionaire and it doesn't help much that he spoils the shit outta me. 

People would often tell me how rude I am and how bratty I behave to which I would respond, "I couldn't care less" or  "it runs in the family" or even a simple "Fuck you!"  

My appa makes me go to this private school in Seoul and I hate him for it.

So since I can't vent my anger on him, I take it out on my school, by simply acting like a bitch.

It's only fair since he doesn't get to feel my wrath;he's so far away at his dumb business trips or meetings for as much as months at a time.

For fucks sake, I could burn the fucking house down and build it back up with my allowance before he even returns.

That's just to show how much his guilt is worth.

Shelling out thousands and thousands of dollars to buy an apology from me only to leave me again.

Truly I'm not the least bit bothered. It gives me freedom to fuck or fool around anytime, anywhere and with anyone I want.


As I make my way down the hall to my locker (which just happens to be near to the principal's office), I over hear Principal Chang saying "Welcome to Beom-Seok High School."

Curiosity strikes.

Before he had the chance to continue, I barged into the office, not giving a shit who says what.
I can do that since appa frequently donates to the school.

"Well, what do we have here?" I say develishly.

Standing next to the principal was a tall guy, about my age.

He had brown hair, with blonde highlights and I noticed that he had three earrings in his left ear and his right ear held two.

His piercing brown eyes seemed to be looking straight through me but right at me at the same time and his lips were so luscious.

"Ah, Mr. Park, I'd like you to meet the new student who will be attending our school, Kim Taehyung," said the principal in a cheerful tone.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Kim," I say with a sarcastic tone.

"Likewise." he replied with a smirk.

A sexy ass smirk too.

"Mr. Park, would you care to show Mr. Kim to his class, I've already given him his class schedule." said Mr.Chang

"Certainly. Follow me please." I say, still with sarcasm.

 I looked at his class schedule and see we have five classes together out of thirteen.

"Well you have a few classes with me but I'm not in the one that you have now." I tell him.

Finally we reached his classroom.

"Lets get one thing straight here," I say suddenly before he entered. "I run this school, so don't mess with me."

Then I swear, I heard him whispher, "we'll see..."

His words were still playing on mind as I headed to my own classroom.

 We'll see indeed.

Tae's POV

Back in my old school, I would've  punched the person that would dare to tell me that.

But since it was my first day here, I'd promise eomma and appa that I'd make a good first impression.

My typical first impressions aren't very friendly, to the point where I'm just plain rebellious.

Originally from Daegu, I moved here to Busan after I got into my thirteenth fight with one of the students at my old school, resulting in my expulsion.

I think by now you've figured that i'm a bit of troublemaker, though the girls at my old school didn't seem to mind, since all they wanted was to get into my pants.

But sadly (for them), I don't do girls.

If you know what I mean...



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