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Jimin's POV

My ass burned as I sat in my seat the next day.

Amazing how so much pain can remind you of so much pleasure.

I'd just taken out my subject book, when in walked 'you know who.'

His presence made a group of girls at the back of the class squeal.


He'd just planked down next to me, when...

"I love his eyes." 

 "I love his smile."

"Oh My Gosh, I am just so in love with his shoulders."

"Yeah, it goes so perfectly with his height."

The same girls were whispering about Taehyung.

It was starting to eat on my nerves, so I did what Jimin would've done.

Be a spoiled brat.

"Hey! Shut up, I'm tryna learn here!!" I shouted.

"Since when do you try to learn, Jimin? asked the one named Yuki.

The other the girls snickered.

"Since I found out about your little 'secret' activities with the  Kim Brothers." I replied. "All three of them."

"You wouldn't tell." she said .

"Oh, but I would." I smirked.

  That seemed to shut them up.  

I turned back to the front of the class, when the PA system suddenly came to life.

 "Good Morning, classes.  We have a winner for the position of student body president." 

"Congratulations...Kim Taehyung!"

No fucking way.

The nerves they had, choosing him over me.

Everyone were cheering and patting him on the back like he was some freaking President.

Oh wait, he is.

And just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, students from the other classes burst into ours, crowding around Tae.

It was like witnessing a New Year celebration, only I wasn't enjoying it.

I put my book back in my bag and walked out the classroom, not giving a damn who saw.

Not one damn.

Tae's POV

Although so many heads were blocking my view, I still managed to see Jimin limping outta the class.

Damn, I really hit the core, huh?

 I chuckled as he winced at every step he took.

It was fascinating seeing him in any kind of trouble or pain.

Especially when I was the cause of it.


School had just ended and I was standing outside, my thoughts clouded my mind.

"Oppa!" a girl jerked me from my thoughts.

"Hey Yuki, what's up?"

"Me and some friends were going out for drinks and wanted to know if you wanted to join." she said.

"Ugh I can't, I have some important stuff to handle." I really would've enjoyed going out and getting drunk but I wasn't lying when I said what I said.

"Ooh, that's too bad." she said. "But just in case you change your mind, call me." she wrote her number in my palm with a pen.

Then she walked away, swinging her hips a little too much.

I turned in the other direction and walked off to the parking lot where my car was.

Now for the important stuff.

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