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Jimin's POV

I woke up the next day alone in my bed.

Guess he already left for school.


I shot outta bed and went to shower.

I was about to open the curtains when something caught my attention.

Something near the toilet.


"Good morning." he said with a smile.

"Morning." I mumbled.

"Slept well?"

Uh...yea. You?"

"Like a log."

Then he shook his dick and flushed.

"Well...uh...we kinda gotta get to school so...uh...yea.

I disappeared into the shower before he could reply.

Surprisingly, he didn't join me.


When I was finished, I grabbed my towel from the bar and wrapped it around my waist.

I stepped out and went to the sink to brush my teeth.

That's when I saw him.

Standing there.

Bracing against my door.

Staring at me.

"Dude, what part of "we gotta get to school" do you not understand?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"What makes you think I wanna do anything now?" he asked.

"Besides, I already took a shower. So even I wanted to, I could've."


I turned back to the mirror and started brushing my teeth.

When I was done, he was already dressed and ready to leave.

"I can wait if you want."

"No it's ok. I said.

"Besides, it may look suspicious if we walk in together."

"So?" he asked raising his eyebrow.

"Nothing. Just go."

"Hmm, Ok." he said.

Then he left.

Why am I suddenly feeling so nervous around him?

I shook off the thought and went to dress.

Tae's POV
I walked into the classroom only to find Jimin's seat empty.

He didn't come?

I sat throughout the whole class, hoping he'd come.

But he didn't.

The bell had rang for dismissal.

I walked outta the school's compound and pulled out my phone to text him.

Me: where were u 2day?
Jimin: home.
Me: y?

Jimin: nun.
Me: u said u'd cm.
Jimin: so?
Me: nvm. I'm cming 2 c u.
Jimin: don't.
Me: y??

But he never replied.

Although we had only just made our relationship official, I was still worried about the dude.

Weird huh?

Me worried about someone.

But like I said, this dude had me twisted.

I walked to the parking lot where my car was.

I got in and started the engine.

I drove home.

Mom wasn't gonna be too happy that I slept out and didn't call.

Not happy at all.

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