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Jimin's POV

I had just turned the corner to enter my locker.

And who do I see, but Jungkook braced up against his locker with his arms wrapped around another guy.

Seriously dude?

I mean, I fucked you lots of times and the one time I make you bleed you go sticking your tongue down some other guy's throat?

Gosh! You're so sensitive!

"Ugh!" I exclaimed loud enough for him to hear.

Then I slammed my locker door and headed to class.

****After school****

"Hey you brat!" shouted an old man on the street.

I had just walked and bumped into him without apologizing.

"It runs in the family, old man!" I yelled after him.

I continued walking until I reached my destination.

The ice cream parlour.

A place where I can lick and suck in public.

"Large waffle cone, double French vanilla scoops and don't forget to drizzle my top with a bit of Vodka or I'll have you fired." I ordered.

"Yes sir, r-right away Sir." the cashier stuttered.

I love the site of people's fear, especially when I'm the cause.

She served me my ice cream and I sat down in one of the booths.


And horny.

Yep, I said it. Horny af.

As I started licking my spiked ice cream, I imagined it to be a dick which made me enjoy it more.

The times when I used to lick Jungkook's junk, were truly awesome.

Only, I wasn't thinking of his.

I was thinking......of his.

Tae's POV

"Hey, kid, where's Jimin?" I asked Jungkook.

"I don't know." he replied blankly.

I was walking round the school, scanning every room and locker for his being.

I was desperate.

I've never been so twisted over anyone before.

I never had the time to, since I was too busy being a bully in my old school.

And then here, I became this little 'goodie boy' that I never knew was actually in me.

"I think one of his friends said he was going to the Ice cream parlour around the corner from the school." said the boy, snapping me outta my thoughts.

"Why do you wanna find him anyway?"

"Cause he's in trouble."

Then I walked away, leaving him staring after me.


I watched as he got up from his seat and went to the men's room.

Time to make my move.

I bought ice cream in a cup and went in behind him.

I twisted the knob of the restroom and entered.

He wasn't at the urinal.

Maybe he had to take a dump instead.

I quickly peeped under all the doors to make sure it was just him there.

Sure enough, I only saw one pair of shoes.

I turned to lock the restroom door then I sat on top of the bathroom sink and rested my cup at my side.


I ruffled my hair a little bit and straightened my uniform tie.

He emerged from the toilet stall, humming to zutter from BigBang.

"Well hello there." I smirked, casually crossing my leg over the other.

"What do you want?" he asked while washing his hands.

"I wanna confess something." I said.

I was really trying hard to keep my composure.

The mere site of him made me so fucking horny.

"Confess what?" he asked.


Then I pulled him to me and buried my lips between his.

And surprisingly, he didn't stop me.

His lips were so soft and plump against mine.

We pulled away from each other to catch some air.

Then I smirked at him.

"I like you sweet cheeks."

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