There was no much joy in anything other than finding out that your teacher is wrong. Evelyn smirked, because it was not any other teacher, it was Mr. Pit who always left the class with double homework. Instead of making math enjoyable, he made it look like a terror. Evelyn hated him for that.

"Yes, the calculations are wrong. Should we tell him?" She said to Mason who was still chewing the end of his pencil.

"If that line is wrong, the whole thing that's written on the board is wrong." He said. For the first time, Evelyn realized the guy in front of her was far more serious about studies than she felt at that exact moment. Evelyn arched her brow.

"Reyes! Stewart! Attention. It's maths and you're chit-chatting?" Mr.Pit said. Evelyn looked at him as she was bored but she went back to her copy. Suddenly she didn't want to tell him that whatever he wrote was wrong there.

This old bald man can do wrong maths, who cares?

"Are you done with yours?" Mason whispered lowly under his breathe. Evelyn did know why he was whispering but that didn't stop her heart from beating loudly.

"Yeah." She replied not turning his away, keeping her eye on Mr.Pit.

"I think we should show him our copy so he believes us," Mason said with the same tone. His voice was near her ears meant he was leaning forward.

Stupid heart, stupid, stupid.

"Yes, we probably should." She said and her voice came out louder than she anticipated. Mr.Pit turned.

His glassy eyes glowed like he had caught a thief red-handed. He smirked.

"Reyes, Stewart, I think you two are not quite enjoying my class," He said. Evelyn felt pity for him.

"Actually, sir," She said but behind her Mason's whispered came to her ear, "There we go."


"Reyes, I don't think you have the right to defend yourself. You two have caused enough diversion. Detention, both of you." He finished and looked back at the board.

Evelyn leaned back in her chair. Some people sometimes got too much confidence that they forgot that they could make mistakes too. No doubt, Mr.Pit was one of them.

The class was over and Evelyn had to run to another one, and thankfully no Mason was in that class and it meant no distraction, no whispers, and thankfully no loud beating heart. Classes went by without any further ado and it was lunch break. Evelyn was sneaking her way up to the library when Diana caught her.

''Hey, Evelyn,'' She chirped excitedly. ''Where are ya going? It's lunchtime, let's go to the cafeteria. Ugh, I am so hungry.''

Evelyn opened her mouth and closed again and let her talk all she wanted. Diana smiled at her and went on rumbling about someone's birthday that was coming and Evelyn was too busy about thinking her way out.

What if he is there?

Evelyn had only one thing to do. She wanted to avoid Mason at all costs. After what happened yesterday, she didn't want to be near him. Who knew when he would bring it up. Yet, there he was, sitting in a chair at their table with no lunch in front of him.

Is he planning to eat my lunch? Most certainly he is.

Evelyn had tried to make those sandwiches and she had done quite a good job. Although she was in a hurry, she had packed three sandwiches, only for her. They were that good.

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