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Today was a pretty good day. Surprisingly everything went well, I got my shit together and went talk with some people that I wanted to know for a long time, they looked suprised at first, but then they accepted the fact that I was interacting with them.
They seemed nice people.
Lately I went out with them, this time I was surprised that they told me to go with them, I didn't have a normal conversation in years, it felt good.

There's nothing much to tell, I'm feeling kinda happy and honestly I don't know very well how to deal with, it's hard to feel it, I know that sooner or later it will go away... it always goes. I'm afraid.
They looked like they enjoyed my me, but I don't know, I'm afraid that they change their mind...
I'm afraid to hurt myself with this "let's be social" thing.
I'm afraid of being happy, but maybe this is my trust issues talking louder inside my head...
I don't want this fear to ruin what I'm trying to build, I really hope I don't mess up everything as I always do.

Maybe tomorrow I will have something more to tell.

I hope so...

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