Chapter 5: I Have a Plan

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It wasn't long until I was aloud to see her, but by this time almost a day later she was away and insisting she was okay... Despite the Doctors diagnosis of a broken leg and three bruised ribs. As well as a couple stitches on the deeper gashes. 


"How're you doing beautiful?" I greeted my perfect mate and sat down on the chair beside the bed. It was now her last day confined to the hospital, she liked to refer to as a white hell. 

"Im excited to get out this hell." She said bluntly as she got up and walked around, stretching her arms and legs as she spoke. I smirked. 

"I actually have a small surprise for my beauty." I said, purposely keeping the smirk upon my face. She glanced at me with a hint of a playful curiosity before smirking herself.

"What might that be?" 

"Well since Ive been seeing you so much, I've made a couple of friends here at this Hell of yours..." I started, pausing to see if what I was saying had any effect on her. She sat on the far side of the bed and faced me with curious eyes still.

"Go on?"

"I asked if I could bring you home right now, instead of later today." I said, now a smile upon my face. North didn't bother to contain the excitement she felt hidden. Almost immediately after I finished my sentence, she jumped into my arms, thanking me and giving me kisses all over my face. 

The things I do and would do for my princess. 


My happiness of having North out of the hospital was short lived. As soon as she was back in school, the detentions piled up as well as old habits she half promised to get out of. Twice this week I've caught her sneaking off to go to that stupid fight club.. She's lucky I won't tell her parents. I won't betray her trust... I GUESS. 

Delilahs glance towards the front door broke me from my train of thoughts. I followed her sight to see North walking down the stairs as quietly as she could, holding a training bag. I sighed and looked at Delilah, who was smiling up at me. 

"I'm going out!" North said as she picked up her walking pace and headed towards the front door. 

"Uh uh uh, missy, Not so fast! Delilah and I are coming with you," I said picking up Delilah and smirking as we both followed closely behind my mate. North whipped around to look at the both of us, how smiled and Delilahs laughed growing louder at her baited reaction. 

"You wouldn't dare.." she warned, knowing all to well what we were doing... again. 

"Really? Try me." I replied, walking past her and out the door. I put Delilah in her car seat and then myself in the car, ready to follow her on her motorcycle. I watched with amusement as North stomped over to my car, her fists clenched. 

"I'm not going anywhere." she said, gritting her teeth, taking Delilah from the backseat and storming off into the house.


North Azure Parker

I stormed up to my room with Delilah in my hands. Slamming the door shut, I put Delilah on my bed and started pacing back and fourth. Delilahs eyes followed my every move. 

"This is why I didn't want a fucking mate! Taking away my freedom.." I continued to mumbled to myself, my anger rising. I felt my eyes start changing and my demon pushing for control.

"Nor nor okay?" Asked Delilah, I looked at her, my anger burning out when I saw her little smile. I smiled back at her and shook my head. This girl. 

"Yeah, nor nor okay." I said, still smiling at her and picking her up and twirling her around. It wasn't long before Dad and Zander called out dinner for all of us, but with the rebel in me, I didn't say a word. I wasn't even angry anymore, I should just be able to do as I please. 

Hunter and my mum tried to start a conversation with me but, I ignored them. You're probably thinking, 'she's such a drama queen!' and well, you're right, frankly. Then, it was like a lightbulb went off in my head... I have a plan...

*evil face*



Question of the day/night - Was it okay?





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