Finally some alone time.

"Hey Kaeleah!"

"What the fuck do you want?!" I yell

"Bye Kaeleah" Lance says walking back to the front.

I hear Devin laughing beside me and I turn to him.

"Seriously what's so funny?"

"Nothing, just get into game mode." He says waving me off.

An hour later we pull into the parking lot of Northside High.

I quickly grab my bag and get off the bus first, already pumped up for tonight.

"Calm down there tiger." Jose says putting a hand on my shoulder to halt my jumping I assume.

"I'm calm, I'm just so ready for this." I say bouncing on my toes again.

"Is she always like this?" I hear Cody ask Tyler.

"Oh yeah, that's how you know she's in game mode, and there's no way you can get her out of it until an hour after the game." He says chuckling.

"Alright go change then meet me in the boy's locker room" Coach says to me and Jay.

Jay and I rush to get ready, we put on all our gear and head to the boy's locker room.

"Ok guys, first game of the season, give me all you got! No slacking off during the game. They may have been an easy win the last three years, but things do change. So go out there and kill it like I know you can!"

We all cheer and start heading towards the field.

"Now welcoming the away team Caramel Heights Titans!" The announcer says and you hear a chorus of cheers and boos.

I lead my team out to the field hearing some very rude comments about Jay and I. Damn critics.

"Does it bother you?" Austin asks me.

"Does what bother me?"

"All the rude comments." He says.

"Nope." I say popping the P.

"Does it bother Jay?"

I look over at my sister and see her laughing with some of the boys.

"Nahh, we don't let it bother us."

"If someone ever draws the line, let me know." He says seriously.

"Awwwh, is someone playing the big brother role?" I ask reaching up and pinching his cheeks.

He slaps my hand away and gives me an annoyed look. "I just care about you ok?" He says.

That statement there makes me smile. It's great to know he's finally warming up to me.

The refs call the captains onto the field. Jose, Tyler and I all run onto the field.

The ref tosses the coin in the air, catches it and puts it on his wrist.

"Home team calls it." The ref says.

"Tails." One of the boys call.

"Tails it is. kick-off or receiving?" He asks them.

"Receiving." I scoff at that and they look at me.

"What?" The boy on the right asks.

"Should've picked kick-off" I say in a sing-song voice.

"Whatever, this is why we don't let girls play on our team." He mutters.

"Are you sure that's the reason or are you all scared to watch a girl play better than you?" I ask self-righteously.

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