The Quest:Chapter 26

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They quickly ushered back inside the King's Hall to join Thranduil for dinner and Alannah's elation quickly shifted to nervousness at the thought of sharing a table with him after the incident earlier in the day. Legolas left her to herself to freshen up in her rooms while he did the same in his quarters. Alannah carefully placed the wreath of leaves from her head on her bedside table and splashed water on her face and hands. She pulled on her blue dress and brushed her hair, hoping the attire would be suitable.


"I've asked around about you and was surprised to find out there is little known about your past. Tell me about your parents, where were you raised?" Thranduil asked as he sat poised at the head of the table. Dinner was served in the King's private quarters for the evening, an intimate setting for just the three of them. Alannah looked at her hands in her lap, thinking of the best way to answer him. Legolas knew it was a difficult subject for her to talk about, and quickly jumped in on the conversation to help.

"Alannah was a ward of Mithrandir almost her entire life, Ada." Legolas quickly answered. Thranduil nodded curiously, never having heardof such an arrangement and still finding it odd.

"Interesting. I'm sure you had quite an adventurous life. I haven't seen the old wizard in over sixty years now." Thranduil added, still waiting to hear Alannah speak.

"Yes, your grace. Gandalf was very generous to care for me for so long. My parents died when I was young, I apologize for not being able to tell you more about them aside from my father hailing from Rohan and my mother an elf." Alannah took a small bite of her food, her stomach too nervous to enjoy her meal.

"And you were part of the fellowship and fought in a few battles alongside my son. Quite a feat for a woman, elf or otherwise. Tell me, exactly how did the two of you meet?" Thranduil asked as he cut into the meat on his plate. Alannah and Legolas smiled as they exchanged glances, knowing to keep how they truly met to themselves as the memory of her bathing in the river cane to the forefront of their minds.

"Rivendell." Alannah choked out. "The fellowship formed in Rivendell, your grace." Thranduil nodded, sipping his wine and holding it out to be filled once more. An elven servant quickly filled his cup before moving back to the other side of Thranduil's room.

"Yes ada, that is where our paths crossed. It was fate that the stars aligned for us that day." Legolas blushed slightly as he and Alannah looked at one another. Thranduil noted the looks of adoration they shared and quickly finished his full glass of wine. Clearly there was something between the two of them and his heart was troubled, unable to distinguish it as being love or lust. He looked back towards his large bed, knowing he would have a lot to think about before morning when he would deliver his decision to Legolas. He glanced at their near empty dinner plates and motioned for the table to be cleared.

"I hope you've enjoyed your dinner. I'm afraid I must turn in early. Legolas will escort you to your quarters, Alannah." Thranduil bowed his head towards her as Legolas walked around the table, lending his arm to her as he led her out of his father's chambers. Thranduil sat back in his chair, considering the choice he had laid out in front of him.


The sun shone brightly the following morning, the third day since Alannah and Legolas arrived. Alannah lifted the blankets over her head as the sun's rays began to stir her from her sleep. She didn't get much rest that night, even after a lingering good night kiss from Legolas laced with sweet promises of a wedding in the days to come. She replayed all her interactions with his father, hoping she made enough good impressions on him to cancel out the one negative. Her eyes closed, and she was just about to doze off when her door swung open and Legolas walked quickly over and knelt on the bed.

"Alannah, wake up!" He cheered as he shook her gently. Alannah rolled away from him, taking the blanket with her. Legolas rolled his eyes, always amused to see an elf sleep so much. He crawled to her on the bed and pulled the blanket gently away from her face.

"Today I speak to my father. I expect us to be married by the end of the week. Wake and let me see your eyes meleth nin." Legolas planted soft kisses on her cheeks before she finally opened her eyes, meeting his blue ones.

"How long have you been up?" Alannah croaked as she sat up in bed rubbing her eyes. She noticed Legolas was fully dressed, immaculate as always.

"Just a few hours. Get dressed meleth nin! There's much to celebrate today." Legolas tickled her feet as he walked to the other side of the room, pulling out her tunic and leggings to lay on the bed for her. He walked to the door, too anxious to wait for his father to call him to the throne room. "I'll see you soon meleth nin."


"You've returned from Gondor at last Feren. How was the coronation?" Thranduil asked as he looked upon Feren, one of his guards and messengers.

"It went well my Lord. King Aragorn wishes to open trade with you." Feren announced as he bowed before the king, extending a letter sealed with Gondor's sigil. Thranduil nodded his head, quickly agreeing to the proposal.

"Yes, I will see that proper agreements and proposals are drafted. Anything else?" Thranduil asked as he looked over Aragorn's written proposal.

"No, my Lord. Except Legolas left the day we arrived. I heard it was to find an elf whom he had fallen in love with. I took it upon myself to ask around about her." Feren said, standing upright as he reported to the king. Thranduil cocked his eyebrow, curious to hear what was found out about her.

"Funny you should mention. My son returned a few days ago, with her. Is there anything I should know before I give my blessing on their proposed marriage? I've made the decision to grant them my approval." Thranduil leaned forward as Feren stepped closer to the throne.

"Yes, my Lord. Most spoke highly of her, but.." Feren looked around at the rest of the guards that lined the throne room. Thranduil quickly ordered them away, leaving the two of them to speak in private.

"Go on." Thranduil commanded as he poured himself a glass of wine. Feren licked his lips and cleared his throat.

"It's all told in whispers, and various version, but sometime during the quest of the fellowship there seemed to have been a coupling of sorts. Between her and Boromir, son of Denethor near Amon Hen and the Falls of Rauros." Feren looked down as he spoke, not daring to repeat the details of the rumors he heard. Some ranging from stories of an attack to a consensual coupling but given Boromir's reputation as a champion of the people, he went with the latter.

Thranduil sat back on his throne silently fuming, hiding his anger from his trusted guard and messenger. "Thank you Feren. You're excused. Please have her escorted out of the Woodland Realm immediately but bring my son to me beforehand. I dare not break his heart."

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