'But he would make her hap--'

'Do you want to ruin your daughters happiness? For your own selfish reasons? You just want him to be her mate because not only would it make her happy he'd be in love with some one else. But guess who else would be getting hurt in the process? Charles and Julie. You selfish bitch, Stop being so selfish. Let them be. Stop making decisions that aren't yours to decide or to decide by your self.'

I thought about what she said.

But that's what I do... I fix things.

'But you try to fix things that aren't broken and things that are broken. You can't do both. Pick one'

I chose.

I walked over to Julia. "Do you have the keys to Charles car?"

"Yes, why?"

"Give them to me I'm going to put the car seats in Charles car."

"Okay" she was a bit hesitant.

I ran out to the ran and put them in Charles car. It wasn't that hard to find his car because I had parked my car at the back of the parking lot and he has found my car and parked next to mine.

After I secured them in place, I ran back in and give her back her keys.

I walked over to brian who was holding Julie.

I kissed her on her forehead "mommy will see you later, princess."

I ran back outside to my car and pulled off back to pack lands.

This was it.
'William where are you?'

'At home. Where are you? Why haven't I seen you all day. Are you still mad at me?'

'We need to talk. I'm about to pull up to the house. I was with Julia, Brian, and Charles all day.'

'Okay, I'm in my room'

Before going into his room I went and got the pregnancy test I took. And hid it in the deeps of my pants pocket.

I walked into his room. He was laying on the bed playing a game on his phone.

He looked up at me and instantly smiled. He sat up and got off the bed walking towards me. He picked me up by the waist and kissed my lips passionately.

I was gonna let him greet me passionately but that it. It wasn't gonna go that far. I had a tell. A secret and I couldnt keep it any longer.

When he sticks his tounge in my mouth I don't give him access to explore. He pulls away and looks at me confused.

"Why are you denying me?"

"We need to talk"

"Why are you denying me"

"Because I need to talk to you."

"About.... Why so serious?" He whined. He put me down on my feet and walked over to the bed to sit.

I came and sat beside him crossing my legs I turned my body towards him.

"How do you feel about..." trailing off I prayed someone would walk in and save me from this situation but no one every came.

"About what Caroline this is pissing me off. What are you not telling me?" He ran his hands threw his hair frustrated.




"I'm not ready yet. We can't have one yet. Go ask my other brother for one. Liam wants one." He caught an attitude for no reason with me.

"Well your gonna have to be ready william." I grabbed his hand and held it with both of my hands.


"I'm pregnant."

"But we...wha... how???"

"That night where, YOU thought we had did the deed but you had just forgoten and so you woke me up out of my sleep to do me. That's why I've been mad at you. That was the first time we had sex and you couldn't remember if you had did it already. I guess you forgot about a condom."

"DON'T PUT THIS ON ME LIKE IT'S MY FAULT!" He got up from the bed and started yelling.

"I'm not blaming you"

"You WERE BLAMING ME! can you please caroline get rid of it. We can have one another time. I promise."

"I don't believe in abortions. Why would you say That? I'd be killing a mini human. Should have check for a condom."

"STOP PUTTING THIS ON ME!I don't want the baby. I'm not ....IT'S NOT MINE!" He yelled in my face

"I'm pregnant and it's YOUR BABY WILLIAM!" I stood up and yelled back in his face.


He pushed me backwards, making me fall on in my butt.

"Keep your hands OFF ME!" My eyes flew.


He slapped me across the face.

My Mate hit me.

I couldn't believe it.

But I love him.

But I wasn't raised a bitch.

. ..

Hey my dudes!

I plan to up date next month! (May the 18th) 


10 new Votes, 40 comments for a new chapter sooner than May then 18th.

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