Chapter Eighteen | A Reunion With Answers

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Wendy's eyes fluttered open,she sat up and hissed in pain.Her leg was healed,no gash,but somehow it still was throbbing.Yet the bandage and blood on the bandage told Wendy that her stomach wasn't healed.Wendys head throbbed as she sat up fully.She looked around and saw bloody clothes and sheets,medical kits and a heap of bandages.She was wearing some shorts and a sport bra.She saw Anna.

"You're awake."

Wendy nodded,Anna sighed and walked over.Porlyuscia had died a few weeks after Kasai was born,then the young mage she had been training took over.Anna was a young girl,by young she meant fifteen.Anna had long black hair that was untamed and ocean green eyes.She was tall,maybe around the 5'9 mark.Anna unwrapped the bandages and hummed,"the spells effects are still taking place,"said Anna.

"I don't want you doing anything that might make it worse,heavy exercising,fighting and sexual activities are out of the question.These pills I'm about to give you,I want you to take one in the morning and one at night until all the pills are gone."

Wendy nodded,"I believe Macao and Kasai will see you in a minute,they have someone with them.Not hecking idea who"said Anna.Wendy nodded again,it was probably someone from the guild that Anna hadn't met.Or maybe her saviour.Anna applied another bandage and then walked out of the room.Wendy sat at the edge of the bed,she saw Macao walk in and Kasai behind him.

Kasai ran over and hugged Wendy's leg,then Macao lifted him onto the bed.After Kasai made sure she was okay,Macao hugged Wendy."Im glad you're okay,we got really worried when you came in.Nobody even saw you fight,"said Macao.Wendy nodded,confused.How could nobody see her?She was sure she saw Mira helping some children to safety when she had seen Hisao."The mage I fought,he was the one who took Romeo and Sasuki.His name is Hisao,"said Wendy.Macao thought for a moment,"I'll tell her when I get the chance."

"We'll have to get Erza to ask the other guild masters if they know of a dark mage by that name."

Wendy agreed,she spoke to Macao and Kasai for a little bit.She had apparently been unconscious for three days."Kasai,come on.You have preschool"said Macao.Kasai nodded and hugged Wendy,she kissed the top of his head.Kasai scrambled down,he was so patient and he always did as he was told,something Wendy loved about her son."Wait Macao,Anna said someone wanted to see me?"asked Wendy.Macaos eyes widened,then he relaxed and his gaze softened."I'll tell him you can see him,"said Macao.Wendy nodded.

Macao left with Kasai talking about what he was doing at preschool.Wendy really had the thank Macao,all he did was help her and Kasai.Wendy heard the door open again,time seemed to slow down.He stood there.A face full of relief the moment he laid eyes on Wendy.The same purple hair,bandages wrapped around his toned chest."Hey,"muttered Romeo.The tears dropped down.Wendy laughed and wiped a tear away,he walked over to the cot in three strides.

"You're awake."

"You're here,okay and breathing..."whispered Wendy,she held his face.Then she ran her hands down his arms and his chest,she checked every inch of his body to search for any wounds.Maybe to also confirm that he was there."You've been gone for two years!"yelled Wendy,she wasn't mad.Maybe she was.Yet,she was utterly relieved,that he was okay.Wendy was also relieved that he wasn't with another woman.

"I know,I know.It wasn't supposed to turn out this way believe me."

Wendy nodded,she cried into his chest as she held onto him tightly."Im glad you're okay"whispered Wendy.Romeo shook his head and held her face in his hands,making sure she looked at him."Im glad you're okay,that spell he used on you has killed thousands of people,even almost me"said Romeo.Wendy didn't know how to comprehend that information,he had almost died?"I promise tonight,I'll explain everything to dad and you"said Romeo.

Missing  - Fairy Tail Rowen   (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora