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At first,if my older self talked to me and asked if I would fall in love with her I would've laughed and said 'no way in hell,he's my sister',although eventually when the feelings set in and my heart burned for her love if then I talked to myself and asked the same question I would laugh nervously and say 'no way in hell would I survive without her'.

This wouldn't be your average love story,we don't instantly fall in love.We simply slowly do.Like when sleeping,slowly and then all at once.First it was friendship,then best friend and then we didn't know what.One minute we were making out and the next fighting.It was complicated but out of all of it I would redo the whole damn thing to fall in love with her again because holy fuck,did she drive me insane.


Fairy tail,one of Fiores most famous and powerful guilds had a walking distance to the port.Now what kind of useful information is this you ask?Well,Fairy tails youngest adults sat there,admiring the ships that sailed in and out of the blue watered port.A conversation between them consisted of a lot of laughing,a shot or two,the possible threat of random outbursts of rants from an unrelated topic and of course the average conversation."I remember always sitting here waiting for you guys to come back"said a male,his voice no longer high, a small squeak or the possible voice cracks.It was deep and very husky like,the voice belonged to none other then Romeo Conbolt.

"As much as I would like to tell you what I did during that time I can't,it felt like a week to me"replied a silvery and seductive feminine voice,the voice of a kind sky dragon slayer known as Wendy Marvell."I swear you say that every time we're here Wendy"said Romeo,with a matter-of-factory voice."I have to admit I do"said Wendy her voice heavy with a threatening laugh.

"The guilds gonna think we're dating if we do this again"said Romeo unexpectedly,"I thought they already thought we were"replied Wendy with a laugh.Romeo grinned and got up,"well come on.Master said he wants to announce something soon.We might miss it"said Romeo,holding his hand out for Wendy.Once Wendy's hand touched Romeo shivered.It was like she was the one with fire as her magic,she burned him to the core.

Romeo shook his head mentally,he thought about her having his magic way too much.It was announced when the first dragon slayer mated that eventually they bind together and can use one another's magic.Lucy can use Natsus flames and Natsu can summon Lucy's spirits when Lucy is near and or in trouble.Romeo craved Wendy's powers,he didn't just crave her powers he craved her.Her lips touching his,being bonded for life.Romeo just wanted it.

Dirty thoughts entered his head and Romeo shook his head,ever since he was sixteen he had these thoughts.Wendy dusted off her skirt before turning around and grabbing her purse that was on the dock.Time seemed to slow down,as Wendy leaned down her skirt showed more and more skin,Romeos body grew hot.Wendy showed off her toned legs as she got older,and the more older she was the more revealing she got.Of course Wendy's chests size didn't grow much but Romeo didn't give a damn,she had a curvy waist and bust and god did it attract guys.

Time seemed to be on Romeos bad side,Wendy had her head over her shoulder a confused looked on her face."Why are you staring at me Romeo?Oh!Your face is red!Are you feeling okay?"asked Wendy,she rushed over and felt his forehead."You're very hot"said Wendy,Wendy immediately blushed.Romeo took the chance to smirk,"You are too"replied Romeo a cheeky smirk on his face.Wendy blushed bright red,even brighter then Erzas hair.

"I hate you"


"Thank you Mira"said Wendy,Romeo sipped his drink before they continued their conversation."Anyway,I'm telling you.I have no clue who my mate will be"said Wendy,Romeo groaned."Just pick a guy"replied Romeo,Wendy used her magic to dump water on him."Hey!"yelled Romeo,Wendy laughed."Your fault,I can't just pick a guy!I have to fall in love with him"said Wendy,her voice dying down.Romeos heart began beating faster,had she already found the one?

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