Part One | Heartache

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Romeo panted at he slid on the dirt."Come on Romeo,admit it!That was a good one right?"asked Sasuki.Romeo got up and nodded,"yeah,damn five years younger then me and you got me to the ground.Good job"complimented Romeo.Sasuki giggled before she thanked him."But you still need to get your defences up"said Romeo,Sasuki nodded before getting into a fighting stance.

Ever since the war with Zeref most members in most guilds (that battled) felt like they weak,so Sasuki and Katsue Grynder came up with the idea of training together five times a week.And it happened.Romeo joined in as part of the senior fighters a.k.a the more advanced,which lead him to being some sort of mentor to younger mages.

On Romeos count they leaped into battle,Wendy at hand to heal them.Instantly Wendy entered Romeos thoughts,here he went again.In last month or so Romeo had gotten hit at least five times because he was so focused on Wendy.Before Romeo could react a spell of water was thrown at him,Katsue gasped.Romeos whole body burned as through it was on fire,Katsue-like Juvia had the ability to heat water to boiling temperatures.Quickly Wendy rushed over to aid the burns that weren't visible.

But before Wendy could reach Romeo,Chelia butted in.Romeo groaned.Chelias Magic was unstable,"Chelia how about you let Wendy do this"suggested Romeo.Chelia shook her head,"no one will let me heal them!Please!"pleaded Chelia.Romeo groaned and Chelia squealed in delight."The reason no one wants you to heal them is because their afraid you'll kill them!"whispered Katsue from the back.Some chuckles were heard around and Chelia looked confused.

Romeo glanced at Wendy and saw her stalk away,growling at Chelia.After Romeo dated Chelia their friendship broke,it broke Romeo as well-he was friends with both girls.Once Chelia started breathing heavy from using her magic Romeo stopped her,"Im fine".Katsue stepped out,"sorry Romeo,I didn't mean it-my magic you know"said Katsura,but Romeo interrupted."I know,it's fine".

"Alright everyone back to training!"


Warm water dripped down Romeos toned chest and abs.Romeo groaned and washed his face,stepping out of his shower in the training room Romeo got dressed.Looking in the mirror Romeo saw his scar above his right eye,during a battle he couldn't place he got hit in the head giving him the scar.Turning around Romeo saw Wendy in her training shorts and a bra,usually he would turn around but he was interested.

They each had seperate rooms,with a bed,closet with clothes and a bathroom.It was all in case they got injured or needed to rest.The rooms came in handy after the great battle against Zeref-they were all injured and needed private rooms.A room enchantment was set up,giving them all their private rooms;despite that the entrance was a tiny house.Romeos was across from Wendy's,it gave him access to seeing in her room when she didn't close the door on accident.

Romeos eyes widened,Wendy pulled her shorts down and walked around her room to get shorts.Blushing red Romeo couldn't look away,why was he being like this?Ever since Wendy's mating season began showing signs he did this.A moment later Wendy took her bra off,showing her back and Romeo noticed scars.Then he remembered,during her first mating season she clawed at herself to stop herself from hurting Romeo-her suspected mate.

Romeo looked away and put a shirt on,walking to the guild.Once reaching his destination Akko,a fellow guild member strode over to him."Oh Mavis"whispered Romeo under his breath."Hey Romeo!My bud!My man!"said Akko,Akko was a brunette with scars and a well built muscular body,he was tall (although Romeo was a head taller) and his eyes were bright blue.

"So...I was wondering,Marvell.She have a boyfriend?"asked Akko,Romeo growled."No,but there's a guy watching her and he'll kill you if he hears you"growled Romeo,Akko laughed."Let him try.Anyway,what's she into?You know so I can ask her out"said Akko,his voice a little too cocky for Romeos likings.Romeo grabbed Akko and walked to a corner of the guild that wasn't crowded."Look Akko,there's a guy watching her.Back off"said Romeo,threatening.

Before Akko could reply Wendy came bouncing up to them."Hi boys!"said Wendy in a seductive sexy voice,with a lip bite finishing it.Romeo gulped,she wore dark blue shorts that were to tight for his likings,and a white lacy bralette.How he knew these things,he lived with Wendy she explained it to him for almost an hour."Hey Wendy,you look sexy in that getup"said Akko.Romeo mentally face palmed.Mavis help him.

"You're so naughty Akko...I like that"flirted Wendy,Romeo leaned over and gagged at Natsu who was pissing himself laughing.Romeo showed him the middle finger before throwing sticky fire at him.Romeo turns around and heads towards Natsu,"I'm going to kill him"grumbled Romeo.Natsu laughed,"what's wrong with you?Do you have a crush on her something?"asked Natsu.Lucy sat down and listened in.

"W-What n-no!"

"Okay who told you?"asked Romeo,Natsu laughed.Romeo looked at him,his face obviously red."Oh wait you're serious"stated Natsu,Romeo groaned."If you like her so much ask her out"said Lucy,"it's not simple like that Lucy"remarked Romeo,Lucy looked away to Wendy's direction."I mean she'll say yes considering her state"remarked Lucy,"I know her state,'s cheating technically.I don't want her dragon side in love with me.I want Wendy to be in love with me"said Romeo.

He sighed and rushed his fingers through his hair,"didn't know you had it so bad for her kiddo"said Natsu."Of course I have it bad for her!I dated all those girls to get her off my mind but god it didn't work,Chelia,Aki,Amelia,Eri,Erika,Masae...even Mika!"I thought I wouldn't fall in love with them but god...I can't get her out of my mind"said Romeo,his voice aching with love sickness.

"You have it bad Romeo"

"No shit Sherlock"grumbled Romeo,who turned around to look at Wendy and Akko.Wendy was laughing and playing with short strands of her shoulder length hair."Come on,maybe she likes you"said Natsu,Romeo shrugged."Doubt it,she's a dragon slayer I'm just a fire Mage"grumbled Romeo."So?Fires destructive atleast you don't have Akkos power"said Natsu grinning.

Akko's power wasn't unique in any shape or form,he had the power to manipulate elements.Many mages across fiore had this,so it was pretty common.Romeo groaned as he looked over at Wendy once more,her mascara was slightly smudged after her eyes tearing up at something Akko said,her short blue locks were now all messy after her non-stop twirling and running her fingers throughout her hair.Romeos heart ached as he looked at her laughing,her smile was something he loved so much.


Across from Romeo,Natsu sat.His smile fading,the kid had it bad.And he knew it,but with Wendy's dragon season she could mate with the wrong person.Natsu sighed mentally,there could be the possible chance she mates with the wrong person,who ends up breaking her heart and killing her.Natsu glanced over at his wife and children.

That brought a smile to the now twenty four year old,as Natsu looked at his wife she shared a glance with him.Her beautiful chocolate brown eyes wide with laughter,soon died down.Only to realise what a terrible heartache one of their closest friends were going through.A small moan of pain escaped Romeo,Natsu looked at him.Sorrow filled his heart as he looked at him,the poor kid had it bad.

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