Chapter Fifteen | Questions and Unknown Letters

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"I don't know what to say,how did you beat them?They transform into people we love.Nobody has been able to kill them"

Wendy shrugged and stirred her tea."I snapped out of it"explained Wendy,which was a total lie.Without the mage that she never got to thank,she would've been injured and a lot more damage would've been done.She really had to find him and thank him,without him she really wouldn't have snapped out of it.

"I see"

It was silence,not awkward but peaceful."Hazel,have you ever had a large dark guild come here?"asked Wendy,she sensed strong magical power ever since she arrived two days earlier and was curious if it was left over from a dark guild.No two Mages could have that much magic power as Hazel and Rin were the only mages in the town.

"Hmm...not that I can remember.Sure a few dark mages but they got sorted out by a mage who comes by often"said Hazel,a finger on her chin.Wendy nodded slowly and took a sip of her tea,processing the information."Whats the mages name?"asked Wendy.Hazel shrugged and took a long sip of her tea before answering Wendy's question.

"Oh nobody knows who they are.They stop,get food and drinks before leaving.Its a pattern,they come every three months"

Wendy felt the curious side of her get the best,why would this mage that came so often never speak to anyone?Wendy almost jumped when she heard a knock on the door,she was so deep in her thoughts.Hazel got up and answered the door.She heard Hazel extange a few words with however was at the door.A few minutes later Hazel returned with a letter.She handed it to Wendy.

"Oh um,thank you"

The letter was sealed normally,with a wax stamp of fairy Tails emblem.Wendy sighed and opened the letter,it must've been important if they had to message her instead of waiting until she was home.Was Kasai sick?Carla?Was somebody hurt?Did someone die?Wendy shivered,if someone had died she would be devastated.Wendy wasn't sure who wrote it,but the writing was near and cursive.


I know you are on a mission.But since you left guild members have been returning with no memory of who they are-just what happened.Those members that disappeared a few months ago from Lamia Scale returned on their front door the day you left.Yuki has also returned,so have many others from other guilds.But Wendy, everything they say is the same.Who rescued them,the mages magic and what they wore.Even the guild mark.

There's been heaps of attacks on non-mages we can't keep up.Finish your mission as soon as possible,Macao needs to call you.We'll fill you in when you come back.The note given with this is from the dark guild.


Wendy frowned,she placed the letter from Lucy down before looking at the smooth piece of paper that was the note.

The disappearances were the begging,the worst hasn't happened yet.Prepare yourself Fairy Tail.

The letter gave Wendy goosebumps.Not the good kind either,the kind you got with a shiver down your spine and the feeling of worry."I need to use a lacrima-my guildmates need to speak to me"explained Wendy.

"There's one in the living room.If you want privacy you can go up to your room"

Wendy thanked Hazel for the kind gesture.Wendy quickly walked out of the dining room and into the living room,completely forgetting her tea.Sure enough there was a Lacrima on the table.Wendy grabbed it and almost ran up to her room.Wendy pressed the lacrima and it lit up.Wendy dialed Macao's number.For a few seconds it rung,but eventually his face came up."Hey Wendy!"said Macao,his face lit up.

"I heard what happened Macao.Is everybody okay?"

Macao's face turned serious."Everybody is fine,but people who went missing years ago are coming back and they have no memory of anything"explained Macao.Wendy nodded,she heard someone running over."Mama!"yelled Kasai,from behind Macao.Wendy put on a smile as her son came into view."Hi Kasai"said Wendy,Kasai waved at her."Kasai,can mama and I talk?"asked Macao.Kasai looked at Macao then at Wendy.He must've seen a serious look in their eyes because he grinned.


Wendy sighed out,not realising she had been holding her breath."So this mage that's been rescuing these people-what's the details that they all know?"asked Wendy,Macao stiffened.That only made Wendy's curiousness worse.Could it be someone from Edolas?A couple years ago they had that accident,a member of Edolas accidentally somehow ended up on Earthland.It was a long story.

"Wendy it's best we discuss this when your home"

Wendy wanted to protest but she decided not too."I didn't want to say this in front of Kasai,but somethings wrong with him"said Macao,his voice was low.Wendy felt worry build up in the pit of her stomach.What happened to her son?He seemed fine when she had just seen him-even if it was for a few seconds.

"Wendy it's about his magic,we all know it's coming through now but..."

Macao trailed off.His magic?It was fine last time Wendy checked,sure he couldn't do much yet but they all sensed the weak aura coming off of him."Its strong,way to strong for a kid his size and age"finished Macao.Wendy was confused,she had been with him two days ago.Surely Kasai hadn't had a burst of magic power in just those two days?But then again,one night Nashi couldn't even summon fire and the next she burnt down half of the day care.

"Well has he used a spell?Or used dragon slayer type magic?"

Macao shook his head,"I don't think he's a sky dragon slayer"replied Macao.Wendy felt her heart shatter at the thought she was thinking.Kasai was already an exact replica of Romeo,if Kasai was also a fire Mage she didn't think she could take it."So he's a fire Mage"stared Wendy.Macao shook his head,"even Romeo didn't have that much power at this age"replied Macao.

"So he's a fire dragon slayer?"

Macao sighed,"I don't know Wen.We'll have to talk about this more when your home.See for yourself"answered Macao.Wendy had to complete the mission."Come say bye Kasai"said Macao,she heard her son scramble up and run towards the Lacrima.Wendy smiled."Bye-Bye Mama!"yelled Kasai.Wendy laughed,how could her small son be so powerful?

"Bye Kasai,ill see you soon okay?"

Kasai nodded,his teddy happened to be tucked under his arm."Say bye to mama,Teddy!"said Kasai as he waved the Teddy's arm at Wendy.Wendy felt her heart melt at her sons innocence.He was growing up and it was scary to think he was."Bye teddy"said Wendy,she knew the teddy wouldn't reply and she knew it couldn't hear her.But to her son,it was a best friend.

"Bye Macao"

With that,the image of her son and his grandfather disappeared.The Lacrima was now a cloud of swirling blue and white clouds."Your sons cute"commented Rin,she quickly got up and ran over to him.Wendy looked around frantically.She pushed him into his room and onto his bed.He brought her with him.Wendy pushed the hand that was around her waist off.

"If Hazel catches you outside,talking to me,your doomed"

Rin shrugged,"I wanted to see you"said Rin.Wendy wanted to yell at him for being such an idiot.For risking getting in trouble just so he could see her,talk to her.Then it dawned on Wendy,she had fallen in love with someone exactly like that.Romeo.Maybe Wendy was begging to like Rin?Wendy shook her head,it was impossible for a mate to be in love with someone else.

"I'm going to bed early"

Wendy got up off of Rin and walked away,closing the door quietly behind her.Wendy looked down the hallway to check that Hazel hadn't seem them.With that Wendy hopped into her room and closed the door behind her.She was tired.She needed sleep.Thats what she did,Wendy got changed into shorts and a large shirt before slipping under the covers.

Wendy closed her eyes,memories of Kasai flooded through her head.Then Carla.Then Romeo.The memories of the guild just flooded through,easing her into a peaceful sleep.No matter what was happening they were there for her,no matter what.Wendy smiled to herself and closed her eyes.She let the darkness consume her.

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