Part Five | Three weeks is too long

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All Romeo could see was a bright blue flash before he fell to the ground.Everything stopped and Romeo could already hear the squeals of delight as Chelia would forcibly let her heal him.Romeo was training with the guilds as per usual in the training grounds.He waited for Chelia's screamed,but it never came.Wendy was probably the only healer that didn't make him breath fire or not produce any flames.

Romeo sighed,it had been three weeks.For a week he didn't go to the guild but eventually Natsu dragged him along.Romeo groaned the whole way and ended up leaving a couple hours afterwards.Akko's bragging about becoming the next fourth generation dragon slayer and Wendy being his mate was too much to handle.Every two minutes you would hear a small squeak from Wendy as he grabbed her bum (which in Romeos opinion was disrespectful towards Wendy).

Romeo got worse and worse from the day he went to the guild.He had to be partners with Akko for a fight,and all he did was get hurt.Akko attacked him spell after spell and Romeo didn't defend himself,if he even tried Wendy would be angry and yell at him herself.Then Chelia healed him,resulting in him breathing fire.Not only that but the heartache and distraction of Wendy in his head was enough for him to go insane.

"Oh my mavis,Romeo I'm sorry"

Romeo opened his eyes to see a small girl her name being Sylvia Fullbuster.Romeo got up and ruffled the young girls hair,"it's fine,Sylvia"replied Romeo.But before he could say anything to Sylvia about being careful,she had run off to go look for Chelia or Wendy.Preferably Wendy.Romeo was surprised to see his wishes had come true.Wendy was rushing over in a matter of a few minutes.

Wendy kneeled next to Romeo.Sylvia was dismissed and it was just the two."What spell was it?Porlyusica says-..."Romeo cut Wendy off."Wendy Im fine but please listen"pleaded Romeo,Wendy's glowing hands died down and then Wendy sighed."Fine"replied Wendy,Romeo almost wanted to celebrate.But he had a feeling if he did Wendy would walk away.

"I want to know if he's treating you the way you want to be treated."

Wendy was about to begin before she was pulled backwards,a small squeak came from her but nothing else.Before Romeo could ask if she was okay Akko jumped in front of him.Romeo got up,Akko had to look up at Romeo but he obviously didn't care."Why are you talking to my mate?"spat Akko,Romeo wanted to punch him and flick his hair dramatically like Wendy did once in a battle to see if she would laugh.But Romeo decided it wasn't the right moment.

"She's not your mate,you don't have the symbol and she's clearly uncomfortable around you"

Akko rolled his eyes,"how would you know?Did you watch us?You were probably busy sulking at home to actually bother."Romeo breathed in and out,he wanted so badly to punch him into oblivion but Wendy would kill him."And my mate,she isn't uncomfortable around me she loves me.After all why would she come to me after you called her...what was it again?"asked Akko.

Romeo had had enough.Seeing them be together was enough to annoy Romeo,but Akko disrespecting Wendy and being a total dick was enough to make Romeo dig a hole six feet down.Romeos hands lit up with flames,Akko cracked his neck."So you want to fight eh?"asked Akko.Romeo nodded,before the two could begin Natsu and Gajeel stepped in.

"Watch it Akko!"growled Gajeel,Natsu ate Romeos fire and held him back."Kiddo he's not worth it"muttered Natsu.Romeo pushed Natsu off."But Wendy is"whispered Romeo.Gajeel clearly had words with Akko because he was standing there glaring daggers at him.Romeo wanted to lunge forward and attack him but Gajeel and Natsu would just interfere again.

"Come on Wendy,lets go"

Akko grabbed Wendy's arm,the one she had injured on a mission just two months before.Wendy whimpered in pain and Romeo cringed at the sound,how could no one else see how unhappy Wendy was?Akko practically dragged Wendy,and when they were out of earshot Romeo lost control.Romeo punched a tree a few times to let his anger out.Natsu let him.

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