23. "Because flowers smell nice and you smell nice."

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Hehe comment at your favourite parts again and tell me knock knock jokes :^)

"Holy shit." Louis whispers. "How old is he?"

"Twelve," Harry answers, swinging the golf club back about to hit the ball but he feels a hand on his wrist. "Anthos, I could've hit you."

Louis stands there with his hand on his hip. "Let me try first."

So, Harry moves out of the way and gives Louis the club. He steps back with his arms crossed and watches the rest of his family hit the balls closest to the target. His younger cousins were in their plaid shorts or skirts and polos, on the furthest end, and everyone lined up beside them.

"Well," the football player murmurs. "Look at all those balls."

Louis simply rolls his eyes and swings but stops right before hitting the ball. "I don't think I can get anywhere near the target."

"I know you can."

"I hope the fuck you do."

Harry squints. "What?"

"It's okay for me to have doubt in myself, but you have to always have confidence in me." Louis looks back with a tiny smile. And so, Louis steadies himself and lets out a breath before swinging. "Yes!" He shouts. "Look at it!"

"They all look the same, babe. I can't tell which is yours."

"That one." Louis points, and it isn't helping at all. "Right there."

"Oh, yeah, I see it." Harry nods, even though he really can't see anything but a bunch of white dots on the grass. "See? You did great in heels."

Louis hums thoughtfully. "I guess you're right."

Soon enough, Louis is tired and lets Harry get his turn. The blue-eyed boy sits on the benches with his purse on his lap. He watches Harry golf for a few minutes, admiring his long legs and lean body — not to mention his big hands gripping the rubber handle of the golf club, and Louis' mind travels to the way Harry's long rough fingers would feel if they were inside his—


Louis snaps out of his thoughts and blinks rapidly. He looks to his side and sees a young girl. Her eyes are green and her hair is in two low pigtails and a small Adidas white visor on her head. And with one glance, Louis knows that she's wearing Burberry.


"I'm Jennifer." She holds out her hand and it has a mini deck of cards in it. "Do you want to play Crazy Eights?"

"My name's Louis, and I would love to play Crazy Eights."

Once they sit in front of each other and get their cards set up, Jennifer asks, "Do you live in a flower?"

Louis smiles, "no, I don't."

"Oh." The little girl deflates.

Louis places down a ten of spades. "Why would you think I live in a flower?"

"Because flowers smell nice and you smell nice." Jennifer scans her cards. "You smell like sunshine and sunflowers."

The cheerleader places a hand on his chest. "That's sweet." He watches the little girl place down a queen of spades and smirks up at him. "But, that was not sweet."

Not long after, other kids are joining and soon there are about six of them playing and the smallest, Timothy, is in Louis' lap.

"You gon' win, Louis." The three-year-old says. "I don't know how play but you gon' win."

"Thank you, Timmy," Louis says softly.

The kids get bored after a while and end up asking Louis questions, he isn't surprised though.

"Do you believe in unicorns?"

"Yes. I've even seen one before." Louis answers seriously. "But I was sick and it might have just been a regular horse."

"Is high school like the movies?" One of the boys, Owen, asks. "Is there one bossy girl and dance numbers and singing? I like singing."

"My high school is nothing like High School Musical," Louis says carefully. "But maybe if you go to an art school, you can have dance numbers and all that."

"What about the blonde bossy lady?" Jennifer questions with a frown.

"You can say I'm popular, in my high school." And the whole town. "And I think I'm bossy."

"You not bossy, Louis!" Timmy almost screams. "You nicest human ever!"

Louis wanted to squeeze him to death, but he settles for a tight hug. "Thank you."

After everyone is done practicing, they all divide into groups to go out onto the golf course.

"I call Louis!"

"No, I call Louis!"

"Louis is mine!"

The cheerleader turns around to the owner of the deep voice and raises an eyebrow. "Really, Harry?"

The teen simply shrugged. "You are mine."

Not a moment later, Louis feels tiny hands tugging on his arms. "Be in my group, Louis." It was Jennifer and Owen. "No, be in my group."

"Sorry, kiddos." Someone wraps an arm around Louis' waist. "Louis is in my group."

The kids pout and drop their hands just as Timothy stumbles over. "Lou, be in my group, please."

Louis faces Harry with wide eyes, "why don't we have the kids in our group?"

"The two of us with three kids?" Harry shakes his head. "I think we need two adults with us, at least."

"Hey, groupies!"

"No, Tin," Harry says with no emotion.

"You need two adults. So here I am with my husband."

Harry sighs loudly and tugs Louis closer before burying his face in the latter's hair.

"Let's play some golf!" Tinley shouts as the children cheer and scream too, but the only thing Harry does is sigh again.

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