I suddenly stop. He stops with me and I look up at him confused. 'Did he really just say that?' I look around, trying to be inconspicuous. He catches on and starts laughing, which in turn makes me laugh.

Me: "It's alright apology accepted. I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like I was pushing you around or something."

Nathan gently pushes me on my shoulder. I look up him with confusion written all over my face.

Nathan: "Now we're even"

I laugh and just walk in a comfortable silence with Nathan, my new friend. I never thought I'd be able to say that.


Nathan and I walk with our hands linked for about an hour. I look down at my feet and smile at the shoes I'm wearing. After complaining about my shoes Nathan pulled me to a stop and took his shoes off and told me to wear them so I wouldn't get blisters. 

"When I walk by, girls be lookin like damn he fly.

I pimp to the beat-"

I laugh as Nathan quickly pulls out his phone and answers it. He looks over to me and puts on a goofy smile that I return and continue walking. Slowly swinging out hands back and forth.

Nathan: "Hello? Oh hey, yeah she's fine. Thank's for asking about me though. Ummm we are about a 2 and a half miles away from the restaurant. We'll stop in front of a building and I'll text you the address. Alright bye Jay." 

We come to a stop and I look at the building we're in front of. I can tell it's really old, from the late 1800's maybe. The brick is no longer red but a dark brown. I see that the windows are covered in boards and I can hear things falling from the inside and move closer to Nathan. I look over at him as he forces himself to release my hand so he can quickly text the address. 

 After he finishes texting he wraps his arm around my shoulder and drags me over to the steps. Once we make it over to the steps we both sit down, and I skooch closer to feel his warmth. He slowly rubs my arm to keep it warm and we sit in a comfortable silence.

Me: "This is nice, just two friends sitting outside of a creepy building. Waiting for our even creepier friends to show up."

We both laugh. I turn my head as I hear the distant thump of bass. I see the lights of the limo pull up and the thump of the bass gets louder. I sigh and go to stand up but Nathan keeps me down until the limo is right in front of us. 

The limo comes to a stop and a very drunk and overly happy Jay pops out from the top. I tense up again and Nathan gives me a concerned look as I stare straight ahead.

Jay: "T-There you guysss areee! We've been waiting for you, oh I mean looooooking for you."

He laughs as he slowly slurs each word making it more difficult to understand. Nathan slowly stands up next to me but I stay firmly seated dreading having to get into the same car as Jay. Nathan squats down and grabs my hands. He brings them to his mouth and he kisses them looking at me the entire time.

Nathan: "It's freezing out here. If you don't get up, I'm going to carry you into the limo."

I look down and let him pull me up. He pulls me into a hug and squeezes me lightly before letting go and grabbing my hand dragging me to the car. Before we get to the door Max and Tom fly out and start asking a million questions.

Max: "Rebbeca Elizabeth! Don't ever do that again, are you alright?"

Tom: "Nathan didn't saying anything stupid right?"

Me: "Will you too both just shut it?" 

I push past them still holding Nathans hand tightly as I make my way into the limo. I get in and slide in next to a sober Siva and Nathan is right next to me. Tom and Max follow after, once the door is shut the limo starts to pull away and head back to the apartment. I lean my head against Nathan's shoulder and listen to him hum some song and start to slowly fall asleep.


I hear someone call my name. It sounds so compassionate and loving. I slowly open my eyes to see the boy with dark smiling green eyes looking down at me. I smile and realize that we must finally be home and attempt to stretch. 

Without saying a word I let go of Nathan's hand and sort of do crawl out of the limo. I feel the cool London wind kiss my face and I wake up a bit more once I'm outside. I feel an arm go around my waist and lean into the person as we walk up the stairs into our humble aboad.

Once inside the house I forceably push myself off of my support and make it over to the stairs. I grab on to the railing and hold it tightly. I climb up the stair slowly. My legs feel like they're fifty pounds each as I lift each one slowly. 

I finally reach the top and walk as fast as my tired body would let me. I pass the three rooms the are down the hall to mine. I pass the bathroom where I can hear the sound of someone throwing up. I hurry past and finally find my door and push it open. 

I walk over to my dresser and pull out a large shirt and a pair of shorts and quickly rip off my dress and get changed. After getting changed I hurry over to the bed, I pull back the sheets and climb in. My eyes are shut before my head even touches the pillow. I feel a pressure on the other side of the bed, sort of like someone climbing in the bed. 'Must be the dog'


I know not the best but it's better then nothing right?


You'll have to read to see what in the world is going on!

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