The Quiet Storm that is My Heart (Part II)

Start from the beginning

Saku stands up, towering over Shikauhno, "So tell me, what is a bruised face and welted body to a defeated heart?"

As the words leave her mouth, in SLOW MOTION Saku begins to kick Shikauhno in the face but stops as Shikauhno speaks, "You're right."

Saku puts her leg down and allows Shikauhno to finish, "My scars are ugly. Not because of how they look, but because of what they remind me of and what I feel when I look at them. The pain behind my scars hurt more then the things I used to cause them."

"And that is something you must deal with. It can't be avoided any longer. Just like avoiding every attack, it's not possible. So be prepared to take them in when they come. There will be times when you'll have to hurt and bleed. So brace yourself. And be dead to the pain."

Saku attempts to kick Shikauhno in the face again but Shikauhno catches her leg. Shikauhno stands up with Saku's leg still in her arms. Saku counters by wrapping her other leg around Shikauhno's neck and flips her onto her back (hurricanrana).

After getting slammed to the ground Shikauhno attempts to scramble to her feet but Saku elbows her back down. Saku then places the bungee rope around Shikauhno's neck.

Maku says sternly, "Saku!" His palms are glowing yellow. "That's enough; she can barely stand."

"Maku will not always be there to intercede on your behalf. So you have to stand strong and endure. Session over." Saku stops choking her.

Saku looks at the watch on her hands, "Your endurance increased by 3 minutes and 22.3 seconds. Maku will patch you up."

She walks away and Shikauhno utters, "No, not yet." Shikauhno spits out blood and slowly stands up.

Maku sighs and backs away as a proud smile creeps around the edges of Saku's mouth.

The flash back ends but Shikauhno continues to hear Saku's words, "That's right. You have to fight through the pain, the tiredness, the frustration. You have to fight through it all. And endure it."

Shikauhno is still standing in the storm of broken mirror fragments. She thinks to herself, 'This...this is nothing. This is nothing to me! I'm stronger than this.'

Despite the mirror fragment's storm Shikauhno adjusts her posture and stands up. Her feet firm on the ground.

Simultaneously Saku's words permeate the storm, "Even if all you see is blood, you must look through the red. Wipe your eyes and strengthen yourself."

Shikauhno wipes away the blood from her injured eye.

"That strength comes from within and your strength is made apparent through your weakness. At times you have to put yourself in harms way to gain the upper hand. It may not be clear now, but the time will come when it will all make sense."

She rips another piece of cloth from her shirt and wraps it around her eye. She mimics Saku's movements that she learned in training. Saku's image appears right beside her.

Shikauhno puts one foot forward and one back, she holds both her hands out one in a fist and the other pointed straight.

The Other runs towards Shikauhno, her mask changes from Michelle to Chris to Lisa rapidly and repeatedly as she swings her sword mercilessly.

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