Shut Up Already~ Dark Link x Reader

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Requested by: Hayeylfox


Your POV

I was currently walking to the Slender Mansion, a backpack full of chips, soda and other junk food that my friend Dark Link texted me to bring him.
Dark Link, or Dark as I called him, was my best friend and my huge crush.
Even though he's such a flirt with everybody, I can't resist looking at his face.
His silky, silver hair and bright red eyes mesmerized me every time I looked at him.
His body...don't even get me started on what he looks like without a shirt...
He's absolutely dreamy.
I felt my cheeks start to redden and I snapped out of my thoughts when the mansion came into view.
I had known everyone in the mansion for about 2 years, I'm good friends with everybody, but I only ever come to see Dark.
I got the the front door and knocked three times.
"I'll get it~!" I heard Sally's voice call out as I heard running.
The door knob fumbled for a second, then it opened to reveal the emerald eyed girl.
"Hey Sally, is Dark here?" I asked looking down at her.
The door opened further and Liu appeared.
"Oh, hey Y/N! Dark's in his room." He said as moved Sally from the door.
I nodded and smiled at him, then walked inside passed them.
"Hey! I was gonna let her in!" I heard Sally pout.
I chuckled and made my way towards the stairs, then at the top I turned down the hall to Dark's room.
I stopped at his door and knocked on it.
My heart started racing and I exhaled deeply.
"Who is it?" His voice called out as shuffling followed with it.
I rolled my eyes and smiled cheekily "Who else do you think it is dumbass?"
"I dunno, a Jehovah's Witness?" He retorted back as he started to open his door.
Fangirl in 3, 2, 1.
On queue, Dark  opened the door, he had his usual mischievous smirk on his face and his silver hair was parted to one side in a mess.
My heart started beating faster as he stepped aside to let me in.
"Wow. You actually cleaned your room for once." I said sarcastically as I looked around.
Usually his bed was a mess, clothes on the floor, dishes everywhere and trash on the floor.
But it was neat and tidy this time.
I heard Dark chuckle and he closed the door.
I tossed my backpack on his bed and he jumped on it, bringing a laptop into his lap.
I looked at him and realized that he wasn't wearing a shirt.
His bare chest and abs were completely exposed.
"Jeez. You couldn't even b-bother to put on a s-shirt?" I said nervously chuckling.
He looked into my eyes and winked at me "You know you like it."
I rolled my eyes and smiled guiltily as I replied, "You're such a tease."
I looked back at him and he hung his head low and smiled, he started blushing.
Wait, he's blushing?!
"Anyways...come sit here next to me. I wanna watch a movie."
He said as he started typing on his laptop.
I smiled and zipped off my jacket, got in the bed and brought the backpack of snacks closer to us.
He turned off his lamp and scooted closer to me as he pressed play on the movie.
It felt kind of uncomfortable with our arms squished together and Dark noticed this.
I then felt his arm snake around my waist and pull my closer to him.
I felt my heart start beating fast and my cheeks heating up.
I rested my head on his chest and wrapped my arm around his waist.

3rd POV

Y/N and Dark were cuddled in each other's arms.
Throughout the entire movie, Dark Links heart was beating fast, Y/N sitting so close to him made his cheeks feel warm the entire time.
Dark loved Y/N, but as Y/N called him earlier, he was indeed a flirt.
As the movie was nearing the end he heard a soft yawn come from Y/N.
He looked down at her face and saw her eyes were droopy and she was starting to close them.
After the movie ended Dark closed his laptop and set it on his nightstand then moved the bag of snacks to the floor.
Y/N was still laying on his chest, his arm was still around her, holding her.
Damn. Why is it so hard for me to just confess to her?
He thought as he looked down at her.
"Watcha thinking about?" Y/N's soft voice asked as she looked up at him.
Her E/C eyes looked into Dark's red ones and they locked.
"You." He mumbled as he moved his eyes down to her lips.
Y/N's stomach flipped and she unknowingly started moving herself closer to Dark.
Their lips got closer and closer to each other, until finally they collided.
Y/N sat up more and got onto his lap, Dark wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, deepening the kiss.
Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck and Dark grinned before pulling away.
"Took me way to long to do that." Dark said as he started moving his hands along her sides.
Y/N smiled and rolled her eyes "Yes it did."
Y/N leaned in to kiss him again, he leaned in as well, but she then pulled away.
Y/N got off of him and laid down next to him, throwing herself under the covers and closed her eyes.
Dark froze for a second at what just happened.
"Jackass." He mumbled as he crossed his arms and turned away, his face red.
"I can tease too." She replied as she peeked one eye open.
Dark turned back over and stuck his tongue out at her.
Y/N opened her arms out for him to come snuggle with her, which he did.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and she nuzzled herself in his light grey chest.
So now...will you be my girlfriend?
As Darm got ready to say these words Y/N said "Yes I will jackass."
DL laughed and kissed her forehead.
"How'd you know what I was gonna say?" He asked as he stared playing with her hair.
"I'm a psychic. Now shut up already. I wanna sleep." She mumbled as she squeezed his side.
Dark closed his eyes and smiled.
"I love you jackass." He said.
Y/N grinned and reached her hand up to his ear, then pulled on his earring.
"H-Hey!" He exclaimed as his eyes shot open.
She wrapped her arms back around his waist and said softly "I love you too Dark."
Dark whimpered as he started rubbing his throbbing ear.

[Edited, June 16th 2019]

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