Mine ~ (Yandere) Eyeless Jack x Reader

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Requested by LoverCreepypasta


3rd POV

It was a foggy day, Y/N was walking home from her last day of high school.
She was a quiet person, never really liked people and preferred to be inside.
She was a nice girl, and held an innocent expression as she walked along the streets.
Ad she did so, she was unaware of a secret admirer watching her.
Eyeless Jack, the kidney loving cannibal was in love with Y/N.
She's mine, no one else's.
He thought as he smirked under his mask.
Anybody, wether girl or boy looked at Y/N, they  got their kidneys sliced from their bodies. 
Many teenagers and even some adults have gone missing because of him.
She was his, and he would do anything to make that happen.

Y/N yelped at the sudden squeeze in her sides and she spun around.
It was Ender, one if her friends from school with a mischievous smile on his face.
"Y-You bastard! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Y/N yelled at him as she held her hand to her heart.
"Ha! I'm sorry Y/N, I just saw you and decided to sneak up." He said as he laughed.
Y/N rolled her eyes and smiled with him.
"Anyways, wanna walk home with me? Maybe grab some food cause I'm really hungry." Y/N said as she rubbed her stomach.
Ender nodded his head and they both went to Y/N's house.

"Thanks again for food Y/N, and tell your mom that lasagna was fucking delicious." Ender said as he stepped out of Y/N's house.
Y/N rolled her eyes, "She already knows that because you tell her every time."
Ender smiled and and ran a hand through his hair.
"I'll see you later then. Come over tomorrow and we'll play video games." He said as he stepped off her porch.
"I will be there. Bye! Walk safely home, text me when you do." Y/N said as she started closing the door.
Ender held a thumbs up as he continued walking.

Eyeless Jack watched in fury as Ender walked away from Y/N's house.
He would NOT take his girl.
EJ emerged from the bushes and quietly walked behind Ender, an evil expression grew on his face.

"Y/N, your father and I are going out, we'll be back in a few hours." Y/N's mom called throughout the house.
"Okay!" Y/N shouted back from her room.
Seconds later their car was heard pulling out of the driveway and away from the house.
Y/N yawned and rolled over, turning off her lamp light and nuzzling underneath her warm covers.
Just as she was about to fall asleep, the sound of her bedroom door opening made her eyes shoot open.
She reached her hand up and turned her Kano light back on.
Y/N's eyes widened as her eyes stared at a figure near her bed.
It looked like a teenage boy, he had a blue mask with black eye holes and he wore black gloves and a blue hoodie.
"E-Ender? Is that you?" Y/N asked.
She noticed the familiar metallic scent of blood, and also noticed blood spots on the figures clothes.
"No. He's gone now. You're mine only." The figure replied in a deep voice.
Y/N's eyes widened and she opened her mouth to scream, but EJ jumped on Y/N and pinnef her to her bed.
"Get off of me!" Y/N growled as she started to try to thrash him off.
Somehow Y/N was able to knock off his mask, causing EJ to freeze.
Y/N's eyes widened in shock at his appearance, he had no eyes and black liquid stained his cheeks, and his skin was a light grey.
"W-What are you?" Y/N asked as she studied his looks.
EJ got off her and grabbed his mask from the floor and out it back on.
"A monster." He replied.
Y/N then felt a sense of sympathy for the boy, forgetting for a second that he possibly killed her friend.
"I-I never said you were a monster. What's your name?" She asked as she slowly got out of bed and took a step towards him.
EJ turned his head to her, surprised she wasn't screaming and what she said.
"I'm Eyeless Jack." He replied.
Y/N stood in front of him and raised her hands to his mask and took it off.
"Well, at least it suits you." She said as she chuckled.
EJ smiled, showing his sharp teeth.
Y/N turned her head in curiosity, wondering what other strange features he had.
Then the sound of the front door shutting and Y/N's parents voices were heard.
EJ's head snapped towards her door and he grabbed his mask.
"I'll see you soon." He said as he quickly kissed her forehead and put his mask back on.
EJ went to her window and opened it.
He climbed out of it and closed it from outside, then ran off.
Y/N stood frozen, trying to comprehend what just happened.

[Edited, June 16th, 2019]

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