Chapter 35 | Surprise Dates

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Oh my god! I'm sorry for the long ass break! It's been like nearly 5 whole days since my last update! Are you ready to hear my excuses: I've been busy.


No shit, Anne. I think we know that. *insert eyeroll*

Let's get real here, my grades are simply following the rules of gravity.

It's going down. I'm yelling timber! You better move, you better dance.

Okay, I'll stop.

But for real, my grades aren't that bad but I know they were going to slip as soon as I let them so I had to take care of that first.

Anyways, this chapter is insanely to die for. I almost cried writing this because it only goes to show you should date someone who treats you like the queen/ king that you are and nothing less.

I hope you guys enjoy this one!

Be sure to comment, vote, follow, and share!



Chapter 35 | Surprise Dates

"Baby~" I drag out, putting on a puppy dog face.

"Stop looking at me like that. I'm not going to tell you where we are going." He says, amused.

"Humph. Fine." I huff out, turning to the side.

One, two, three...

"Babe— don't be mad. I just don't want to spoil it. If you really want to know, I'll tell you." He frowned, resting his hand on my upper thigh.

"It's fine, I'm just worried you'll take us to a fancy little restaurant and I'm still in your jersey—which I don't mind but it's just not dinner material." I laughed, lacing my fingers to his.

"Nope, it's a surprise." He grinned and with that, he continued to drive.


"When can I take this blindfold off of my eyes?" I questioned, worried that I would trip even with Gray's guidance.

What? I'm clumsy as shit.

"Soon, we are almost there." Gray replies, taking me up what felt like a grassy turf.

"Now baby." He assured, undoing the back of my blindfold.

Kinky. I know.

I'm just kidding.


As soon as my vision began to piece together the image in front of me, I gasped, stunned at the amazing sight.

Right under a tree that was lit up with fairy lights, laid a blanket with a basket and a portable speaker on top of it.

It was beautiful.

"How- how did you do this Gray?" I whisper, almost worried that I would destroy the moment if I spoke too loudly.

He chuckled and back hugged me as he rested his head into the nook of my neck.

"I'd do anything for you princess." He smiled, pressing butterfly kisses along my neck.

I turned around to face his rock like chest before I looked up and met those beautiful grey-green eyes that I had learned to love.

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