The Drummer's Sister: Chapter VI

Start from the beginning

"Ohmygoodness. You're Elle, Josh's sister!! Ahhhhh!" the girl hollered. I was a bit taken aback at the fact that she knew who I was. I wasn't famous. I smiled at her, she was positively adorable. "Please let me take a quick photo with you!"

"Me? Are you sure, love?" I asked questioningly. She just nodded with a big grin on her face. "Alright then," I said genuinely. I took my phone out and used the front camera to take our picture. I looked horrendous but she looked cute so I kept it and showed it to her. She just smiled giddily. "What is your name, babe?" I asked.

"I'm AnnaBelle," she said. She still looked a bit fazed by the fact that she was talking to me. I was actually quite surprised she hadn't asked me about Josh or the lads yet.

"That's so pretty," I said sweetly. She just blushed. "Okay, so do you have a twitter?" She nodded. I gave her my phone to type it in. I looked at what she had typed. @AnnaBeeLoves1D. I smiled because of it. "I'll post this photo and tag you, okay? And I'll get all the lads and Josh to follow you too!" I said. Instantly her arms found my waist as she came in for a giant hug.

"Thank you so much!!" she chirped.

"Anytime, love! Keep in touch, okay?" I said as I walked away. It felt good making someone's day.

As I made my way through the crowd to the back door, I felt my phone buzz in my hand. Twitter notification. I stopped in my tracks and read it.

AnnaBeeLoves1D: just met Elle Devine, @HellYeahElle!! She is the nicest person ever! I hope she and one of the boys start to date, she's so pretty!!

My insides just melted. That girl was my new favorite person in the world. And trust me AnnaBelle, I'm working on it. As I got to the bouncer at the door my phone buzzed again. Text from Hazza <3

Hey baby, I'm coming out to get you right now :) just wait by the back door. Xx

So naturally I did as I was told. I tried making small talk with the bouncer. He wasn't much into it. Luckily sooner than later, the door opened just a crack, I saw green eyes looking right towards me. Next thing I knew was girls were screaming their lungs off and pushing towards me. But before the light flashed before my eyes, I was saved by someone swiftly grabbing my arm and pulling me into the building.

I got into the lobby and was greeted by a soft tender kiss. I slowly pulled away to speak. "Thanks for saving me," I said as I looked up to Harry and smiled sincerely.

"Anytime," he winked cheekily.

"And by the way, some of your fans are bloody insane. Just saying," I said as I chuckled.

"We know," he joked. "C'mon let's go backstage." He grabbed my hand and walked in what I assumed was the direction to the backstage area. I followed along right behind him, still holding his hand.

We walked through a set of doors to reveal the back stage area. The other lads were all there sitting on a sofa. Liam was texting, a girl, I assume, perhaps called Danielle. Niall was eating a massive sandwich while typing something into twitter, I guessed. And Louis and Zayn seemed to be having a staring contest. Well at least that's what it looked like, they were simply staring et each other in the eyes. Strange boys.

"Elle!" they all hollered as they saw me and at once I was attacked with hugs.

"Hey babes!" I chirped. "How was sound check? Josh didn't fuck anything up did he?" I asked teasingly.

Just then Josh showed up. "I'll have you know I don't fuck things up, ever," he stated matter of factly as he nudged my arm less than gently. I ended up cracking up like a total moron in front of him and all the boys for that matter.

"Sure, Josh," I said still laughing, "keep telling yourself that."

"At least, I didn't dry hump another lad on stage during sound check," he retorted directly at Niall.

"It was an accident, err... it was the lights... they were blinding..." Niall defended just as the boys all began to crack up.

"Did I miss something here...?" I asked with a completely confused look to my face.

"Oh nothing babe," Harry said as he took an arm around my shoulder and kissed my forehead.

After Olly performed, the lads were preparing to go on. I gave them all kisses on the cheek before going on. "Good luck boys," I said sincerely.

"Ehemm..." I heard Harry clear his throat. "Where is my kiss?" he asked cheekily.

"Right here, baby," I said just as I kissed his lips softly. Which then became deeper and deeper as his hands found my waist and pulled me closer to his crotch. I slowly pulled away, "Harry..." I said as he began kissing my neck. "Oh my god Harry, really? Neck kisses?" I quizzed as a soft moan escaped my lips. I gathered myself, "I gave you your kiss, now go on stage and perform and we can continue this some other time." He smirked and made his way on stage with his band mates as the intro to Na Na Na began to play.


AnnaBelle's POV

When I got home from the concert, the first thing I did was check twitter.

I got a new mention.

HellYeahElle: I absolutely adore this girl. Such a sweetheart. Love you hun! @AnnaBeeLoves1D

And seven new follows! It was Elle, Josh, and all the One Direction boys!! Holy shat! She did it, she actually did it, Elle got all the boys to follow me! Love her!!

Filler chappie. Hope it was still decent to read! Comment, vote, tell me what you think. I'll love you forever :) and in case you didn't know, this fic is also up on my One Direction tumblr! follow me and tell me you're from wattpad so I can folow you back!

Check out my other fic One Night in Ibiza! Much love, my dear readers :) I luff you.

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