Earth Jumper - H.R. Wells

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Requested by DeanForesterswyfe

*Basically* You're Cisco's twin sister and you have the same powers as him, but you're more experienced. You breach to Earth 19 and Gypsy catches you there. She gives you the okay to look around and you end up meeting H.R. 


"You suck at this, little bro." You taunted your twin brother as he continued to try and breach himself to a different room in S.T.A.R. Labs.

"Just because you were born six minutes before me doesn't make me your 'little bro'," Cisco complained. He continued to try to breach himself, but could only make tiny waves of a breach appear.

You shook your head. "Its not that hard."

"Easy for you to say. You've known about your powers for longer than I have!"

It was true. You started having visions only a few short months after the explosion. Once Dr. Wells, or Eobard Thawne, OR Reverse Flash, helped you figure out what you could do, you couldn't stop messing with your powers to figure how to work them. A couple months later and you're pretty much a pro.

Cisco on the other hand...

He was still struggling. Kind of.

You felt bad. He really was a good brother to you. When you see him struggle you want to help him, but you can't ever seem to put your actions into words very well.

You grabbed your f/c glasses and gloves and invited Cisco to go and practice with you for a while downstairs. To your dismay, he said no, leaving you to go by yourself. 

That was a bad idea. 

Not realizing how powerful you truly were, you accidentally breached yourself to a whole entire different place. Or Earth. 


You looked around. Everything looked slightly similar. You were standing in the middle of a busy street. Just as a car was about to hit you, someone breached you with them to another spot in the same area. 

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" She asked with such intensity in her voice it even scared you. 

"Y/n... Y/n Ramon," You stated, quietly at first, but then with more confidence. 

"Why are you here?" The lady seethed, her hands lifting you up slightly by your leather jacket.

You chuckled. "It was an accident. I'm a-" 

"I know what you are, but you can't just go around jumping to whichever Earth you want." She shook her head, letting go of you slightly, but still having a firm grip on your jacket. 

"Okay," You began. "If you would let me go, then I can be on my way." 

"I would..." The lady said. "But I'm afraid I can't just let you go." 

You gave a nervous laugh. "What are you talking about?" 

"Just come with me. It won't be anything too serious, but I'll need your identity and fingerprints, just to make sure we don't catch you here again." She winked as she took your arm and began to drag you to who knows where. 

"I didn't catch your name!" You exclaimed as she continued to drag you, not seeming to pay any attention to your mild discomfort. 

"Gypsy." Was all she said as she opened a door to a rather large building and pushed you inside. 

You looked around and saw a few closed off office spaces and some open ones, chairs sitting on either side of a desk. There was also a waiting room, lined with chairs and a big fireplace. The whole building was decorated with lanterns, hearts hanging from the ceiling, and red and pink balloons. 

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