Don't ask questions - Eobard Thawne (Wells)

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You were cleaning up after the Flash, yet again, made papers fly everywhere as he left for another mission. You sighed as you put the papers back on the desk, looking at Cisco.

"Is there any way this man can run out of here without making a mess?"

Cisco laughed loudly before making a straight face. "No."

You groaned as you sat down next to him. "How is Dr. Wells doing?"

"I heard the convention went in his favor, surprisingly," Cisco replied, kicking his feet up onto the desk, knocking the stack of papers down.

You turned your head at him and gave him a look. "Seriously?"

"Calm down, Charlie Brown!" Cisco yelled as he bent down to pick up the papers.

You giggled slightly before continuing. "I would've thought that everyone would have been rude to him, especially after-"

"Rude to who?"

You and Cisco turned around to be greeted by Dr. Wells. He rolled in and began to examine the monitors.

"Dr. Wells! You're back!" Cisco exclaimed, hopping out of his chair. "We were just talking about-"

"Iris! And-"

"Eddie, EDDIE!" Cisco finished frantically.

"I would believe you, Miss. L/n and Mr. Ramon, if it wasn't for your lousy attempt at covering up your lie," Dr. Wells stated, raising his eyebrows at both of you.

You stood there as Cisco kept rambling under his breath.

Later that night, you and Cisco finally finished cleaning Barry up from the mission.

"How much blood did you lose today, Bar?" You asked, wiping away the rest of the blood stained on his cheek.

Barry shrugged his shoulders.

"Be lucky he didn't lose any more," Caitlin stated, coming in with Dr. Wells behind her.

"Yes, Mr. Allen. If Miss. L/n hadn't found you as fast as she did, you potentially could have died," Dr. Wells added.

Your breath hitched when he said that. You couldn't afford to lose Barry, he was Central City's only hope and one of your best friends.

"Well I'm glad you're okay then," you said quietly as you hugged Barry.

Once everyone left, you had the Lab all to yourself. This was your favorite time of the day. You could concentrate on your work without having any interruptions.

You were writing down a few equations on your whiteboard before you heard someone clear their throat.

You jumped as you turned around, seeing only Dr. Wells.

"What keeps you here this late, Miss. L/n?"

You turned back around to your board and continued to finish what you were writing. "Im just working on some speed equations, for testing and seeing what else could make Barry go possibly faster."

Dr. Wells's eyes narrowed at this. "Yes, speaking of Mr. Allen. You two seem to have gotten really close over these last few weeks."

This was true. You and Barry had been hanging out together a lot more than usual, but of course it was nothing more than platonic. You knew Barry liked Iris, and Barry knew you liked Dr. Wells.

You rolled your eyes and set the marker down on the table separating you and Dr. Wells.

"Dr. Wells-"


You looked at him surprised. "Excuse me?"

"You can call me Harrison, if you would like," he commented, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Okay," you said slowly. "Harrison, Barry and I are friends. Of course we're going to be close. But if you're worried that our friendship is going to get in the way of work, I can promise you that it won't."

"As appreciative as I am of the explanation, y/n, that's not what I meant. And I think you and I both know that," Dr. Wells replied, looking up at you over his glasses.

You felt your face heat up as you tucked part of your hair behind your ear. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Dr-Harrison."

"Its just a simple question, y/n. No need to feel uncomfortable."

"Well, if you really want to know, no. Barry and I are only friends. Nothing more. Besides, we both know I don't like him," you shyly said before sitting down in your chair.

He went over to you, the sound of his wheelchair being the only thing filling the silence in the room. "You do realize I can't stand it when your hair is like that? It drives me insane."

Your eyes widened and your hands went up subconsciously to your head, your hair put up in a messy ponytail.

You didn't know what to think. Was be being serious? Was he just wanting a reaction out of you? You decided the latter, and remained calm. "Shouldn't you be heading home, Harrison? Its late." You commented, heart racing, before turning back to your whiteboard.

Little did you know, Harrison Wells stood up from his wheelchair and up behind you. He then whispered huskily, "Why would I want to leave, especially when there's no one here but us?"

You felt chills go down your entire body. Dr. Wells then snaked his arms around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder, before continuing. "You don't know how hard it has been to get you here alone with me."

Your body went rigid as you suddenly realized he most definitely was not still in his wheelchair. You spun around, his arms still around you, before you looked into his eyes. You saw a hunger that wasn't in his eyes earlier, so you decided to just go with it. Besides, its not everyday you get to do this with your boss.

"I shouldn't ask questions, should I?" You said quietly, still looking into his blue eyes.

"No," was all he said before he pulls you even closer to him, if that was possible. Your breath was caught in your throat. You slowly put your hands around his neck before pulling him closer, leaving no space between the two of you.

The kiss became very intense as your hands began to wander into his hair and his hands began to wander to your lower back. His hands continued to go down to your lower legs, before he broke the kiss to say one word. "Up."

You obeyed, and wrapped your legs around his waist, deepening the kiss. You could feel Harrison smiling into the kiss before he brought you over to the table to set you down. He then started to kiss his way down to your neck. The sudden contact made a wimper escape from your lips. He continued to kiss and nip at your neck until he stopped at the space where your neck and collarbone meet. You couldn't help it as a small moan escaped from your lips. He smirked and stayed there for a little while longer until he stopped suddenly and just looked at you.

You both just stared at each other, both breathless.

Then, you started to laugh. He laughed with you and smiled the first genuine smile you had ever seen on Harrison Wells's face.

"What?" He asked, looking at you with his blue eyes.

"I'm just really happy that happened," you said quietly, looking down at your feet, swinging them back and forth.

He put one hand on the back of your head and the other on your shoulder and pulled you into him, hugging you tightly. "Im happy that happened too."

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