Uh oh - Eobard Thawne (Wells)

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"Can someone PLEASE explain to me why there is a man tied up in the cortex?" Dr. Wells wheeled into the cortex, looking at someone for an explanation.

"He was trying to choke Y/n, so I did some of my famous karate on him and tied him up like the bad ass I am," Cisco replied, his eyes growing wide.

"Uh huh," You said sarcastically. "Are you sure it wasn't the other way around, Francisco?"

He pulled at the collar of his shirt. "Is it hot in here? I'm gonna get some water, do you want some water? Okay! I'll go get some water, peace out."

Cisco ran out of the cortex without another word.

"Okay then," Caitlin commented. "This man was breaking into the lab so we decided to take initiative to keep everything, and everyone, safe."

"Yeah because this place has sucky security," You added, nodding.

"I'd say we have pretty good security," Dr. Wells stated, looking at you. "Anyway, where is Mr. Allen? I need to speak with him."

"What about the dude?" You asked, motioning your head over towards the guy, who was now trying to get the duck tape off his hands and mouth.

"We can take care of that later," Dr. Wells replied. "Mr. Allen, where is he?"

"Working, CCPD needed him," Caitlin stated. "Speaking of, I need to get home soon, is it okay if I leave early today?"

Dr. Wells nodded his head. "Y/n and I can take care of this guy. Have a good night, Dr. Snow."

She waved politely and left, leaving just you and Eobard.

Oh yeah, you knew.

You knew real good.

It was an accident that you found out, of course.

But you knew.

Which made you feel special.

"So, what do we do with this?" You asked, lightly kicking the man in the side.

"Kill him," Eobard responded quietly.

"You know I'm not cool with doing that."

Eobard rolled his eyes. "Come on, if you're going to work for me you have to be okay with doing that."

"Couldn't you just hit him with that knife over there?" You suggested.

Eobard cleared his throat. "I think the technical term you're look for is stab, not hit."

You rolled your eyes at him. "I'm not stabbing the man."

"Well you can't hit someone with a knife."

"How do you live with yourself?" You asked, raising your eyebrows at him.

"Just throw him off the top of the building," Eobard continued to give out suggestions on how to kill the man.

"Wait, wait a minute," You said loudly. "We don't even know this guy's name. What if he's useful?"

Eobard nodded. "Good call. But we can't let him go."

"No, of course not," You agreed.

You walked over to the now cowering man and ripped off the duck tape, leaving a red strip across his upper and lower lips.

"Hey boy," You say. "What's your name?"

"John Dorian," He whimpered.

"What kind of stupid name is that?" You asked, laughing.

"Call him J.D. would you?" Eobard said, not even looking over at you or John.

"Sure thing," You agreed. "So, J.D. are you useful at all?"

"I'm just a doctor. I forgot where my hospital is," J.D. explained.

"He's lying," Eobard announced. "Nobody is that stupid."

"You obviously haven't met me," J.D. remarked, laughing slightly.

"Kill him, he's annoying," Eobard ordered.

You opened a window and pushed J.D. out the window. You didn't smile until you heard the satisfying thud of his body hitting solid concrete.

"Stop that," Eobard said.

"Stop what?" You asked.

"Stop doing that thing with your face when you're happy. It makes me nauseous."

You frowned. "Fine."


A/N: More of a little drabble because I was really bored and I wanted to update but I'm in a fun mood so I decided to make a pointless stupid chapter. I hope it's not too weird, and shout out to anyone who gets the reference I added in this! <3

Have a good day, drink water and please eat if you haven't today, you matter.

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