Trust me - Eobard Thawne (Wells)

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"Dr. Wells?" You walked into the Cortex late one night, getting a message from Dr. Wells telling you that it was urgent.

You checked all the rooms surrounding the Cortex, but didn't find him anywhere. You were about to go back home before you heard footsteps coming from the hallway behind you.

You turned around before you met eyes with Dr. Wells. You started stuttering uncontrollably as you watched him walk freely, no wheelchair needed.

"How are you doing that?" You asked, eyes wide.

He smiled at you. "I thought even you would figure that one out yourself, y/n."

You looked at him for a minute before understanding. "You weren't affected by the explosion at all, were you?"

He shook his head and looked down at his feet. "I just feel so guilty, seeing everyone who got hurt, and seeing all the metas I created. Everyone was-is so mad at me. I couldn't just let them see me get by without a scratch."

You continued to stare at him, even after he finished talking. "What else are you hiding, Harrison Wells?"

"You really are smart, you know that, y/n?" He stated, walking towards you. "Follow me."

You stayed still in place, not wanting to follow him, feeling uneasy.

"You don't want to. Okay, I understand why. I've been lying to you and everyone else for the past year and a half. Y/n, I need you to do something that not many people do for me."

Confused, you spoke. "And what would that be?"

"I need you to trust me."

You looked him in the eyes and he looked back at you, his blue eyes piercing into your e/c ones.

"Okay," You finally responded. "I trust you."

He nodded before walking, which you still couldn't believe was true, out of the Cortex and down the long hallway. Finally, he stopped in the middle of the hallway and stood in front of a certain panel of the wall and put his hand up against it. It opened.

You continued to follow, even though you felt like you shouldn't.

"This," Dr. Wells began. "Is what I call my time vault."

You looked around. It just looked like an empty room. Nothing special about it.

"You're probably thinking 'It's just an empty room and that there is nothing special about it.' Don't worry, there's more."

Your eyes got wide. Did he just read my mind? No, it's a coincidence. Just getting paranoid, that's all. Nothing to worry about. It's Dr. Wells we're talking about! You tried consoling yourself. It didn't work too well.

"What else is there?" You asked, trying to control your voice to not sound nervous.

"Now, I don't want you to freak out."

He messed with a few things before part of the wall opened up, to where a suit was displayed.

He looked at you as you looked at what was in front of you. You felt tears well in the corner of your eyes and anger surge through your body. "You?"

"Yes, but let me explain-"

"What is there to explain, Harrison? You want to tell me a story to make me feel sorry for you? I trusted you! And Barry. How could you do this to him?" You didn't even realize it until now, but you were crying.

"I had to do it! You don't understand, y/n," Harrison began.

"No, I completely understand. I understand that you're a murdering lying lunatic!" You turned around to leave, but Harrison grabbed your arm to stop you. "Harrison... Let go of me."

"I can't do that. Not until you let me explain to you everything. Please. Trust me," He pleaded. Even if you were convinced he was evil, you couldn't say no to those eyes.

You nodded and listened as he told you everything. About time traveling, losing his speed, and even trying to kill Barry.

"You did all of this because you lost something important to you. You just want to go home," You concluded.

"Exactly. But y/n, you can't tell anyone."

"Then why are you telling me?"

"Because, I trust you."

You felt queasy with all this information you took in at once. "Why do you trust me though? We barely even talk outside of anything work related."

"I trust you because you care about others," he took a step closer to you. "You are selfless," he got closer. "You are brave," he got even closer and placed his hands on either one of your shoulders. "And you are insanely beautiful." You were now inches apart from each other.

"I don't see how the last one has anything to do with being trustworthy," you commented, not knowing if you should run or stay.

"I think it's a great quality to have," was all he said before closing the space between the two of you. You stood there for a few seconds before kissing back. He moved his left hand to your cheek while his right one went to your neck to deepen the kiss. You placed both of your hands on his chest, wanting more, but feeling guilty at the same time.

Once you separated, you looked at him breathlessly. He smiled as you hugged him.

"Promise you won't tell anyone about this?" You asked, looking up at him.

"I won't if you won't," he offered, looking down at you.

"Okay. I promise."

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