Fortune Teller - Harrison Wells

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Requested by: whydontwe_squad_2k18

Can you do one that a pregnant and gives birth to Harrison wells baby


I opened my eyes and, not wanting to, I already knew where I was.

My name is Y/n and I guess you could say I'm a little different.

I have these... Dreams, you could say. Every. Night.

It's the same thing too.

The horrors. The pain. The suffering.


But back to these so called dreams.

I was hit by the particle accelerator way back when. Blah, blah, blah. I'm guessing you can predict what happens.

Mine was kind of hysterical.

Not science related, I promise you.

I was alone eating Chinese takeout while watching (Your favorite tv show). Of course, I saved my fortune cookie for last, and once I ate it, the dark matter happened to hit me right as I swallowed my last piece of cookie.

Now I can tell the future.

But only when I'm asleep.

Hence the "dreams."

So you're probably wondering. Am I suspecting to be pregnant anytime soon?

Oh goodness, I hope not. That would suck-

"I. Hate. Children."

I looked to my left and saw a frustrated Harrison sitting up next to me.

I gave a nervous laugh. "Why would you, sweetie?"

He groaned in response. "You don't know what I had to go through to get coffee today."

I raised my eyebrow, waiting for him to continue.

"At least twenty kids were going on a field trip, okay? And they wouldn't shut up. Why were they in Jitters? I don't know. What kind of insane teacher would give their students CAFFEINE?!" He sat down, running a hand through his hair.

I rubbed his back and laughed softly. "You just need to relax. I'm sure the kids weren't trying to annoy you."

"I think they knew exactly what they were doing," Harrison muttered, obviously annoyed.

We both spent the rest of the night relaxing. I went to bed earlier than usual, so Harrison stayed up while I slept.


I walked down a dark hallway, hearing blood curdling screams.

Every step I took gave me more goosebumps on my arms.

Shivering, I continued down.

Near the end of the hallway I found a green door. I opened it, a slight creak coming from the rusted hinges.

I peeked just my head inside to see a child, not even over the age of six, hysterically crying. He seemed to be holding a bloodied body in his small arms.

I was about to take a closer look at the body when the dream changed.

Suddenly, I was in a hospital room with Harry. He was shaking his head while looking over a hospital bed.

I almost saw the body laying in the bed when the dream changed yet again.

Now I was in a nursery, watching myself standing next to Harry.

Harrison Wells imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now