Part 31-Lena

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Disclaimer: as usual, I own nothing, all belongs to Lauren Oliver.


I follow my mother as she walks away from Hana, with Alex gripping my hand. He knows what we just saw just as well as I do, Hana and Julian sitting together both looking as if they both just woke up. It makes a hole grow in the pit of my stomach. I know that I was the one to break it off with Julian, but that was only yesterday, and in some deep part of my heart I mourn the relationship we had. And I just can't believe that he would be with Hana. I guess it makes sense, they were friends before, but she was my best friend, if we still are, I'm not sure. All I know is that yesterday I was impossibly mad at her, but for some reason now I don't feel that. I get why she did what she did. She told me all about Steve. About how she was afraid Alex was only playing me. Despite everything she is still Hana. She is still the one person who knows me better than anyone else in the world. And as soon as she showed up here I think I knew that I wanted her back. I wouldn't have insisted she escape if I didn't still see some of my best friend in her. Some of the person who was worth loving.

"Magdalena," my mother calls, shaking me out of my thoughts. "are you going to come inside?"

I realize that we have made it to Alex's trailer, and I am currently just standing outside it. 

"Oh, right," I say shaking my head slightly. 

As soon as I get inside I sit down and Alex comes to sit next to me. He whispers in my ear, "Are you alright?"

I nod in response, giving him a small smile and a glance that says, I'll tell you later.

I turn back to my mother just as she starts to speak. I can tell just by the way she holds herself that this is serious. She is shifting into Bee mode.

"Okay, so I'm assuming that you both know about the Resistant - the people who are immune to the cure?" We both nod our heads yes, and she continues on. "Well it has been talked over very much, and there was much discussion as to whether or not we should try to 'rescue' them. Some of them probably don't even know the Wilds exist, think it was whipped out in the blitz, and there are some of us who believe it is our duty to bring them to a place where they would be safe. None of the people in the cities know that love is not this beautifully terrible thing that they must fear, that it is simply beautiful. There are some of them that are beyond hop, that this lesson would be lost on, but if there are people out there that we can help, we should do it.

"The only problem we are having is how. We can't just barge in there again, we just did that. The wall may be mostly broken, but there are guards stationed all around the perimeter. And even if we did make it past them, there would be no way to know who was a Resistant."

My mother pauses, looking at us, obviously expecting an opinion. 

I think it over for a few moments before an idea comes to mind. 

"Well they do know of Invalids because of all the attacks. But that's the problem, they were attacks. We need some way to show them all that we are not insanely violent murderers as they probably think. We need to show them that love makes life better, that it is not the disease they think it is."

"That makes sense," my mother says. "But how do you suppose we do that. 

This time Alex and I speak at the same time, thinking of exactly the same thing. 


A/N: Hello!!!! It feels like it has been forever since I updated this...

Did you hear that the Delirium tv pilot is going to air on hulu this week?? I'm so excited! But the only problem is that I don't live in the U.S and so I'm not sure I can watch it.... :(

Please follow my new tumblr:!!!

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