Part 17-Lena

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Disclaimer: I do not own Delirium or any of the characters


We walk through the night with only the stars to guide us. I weave through the trees soundlessly, something that has become second nature to me, Hana, on the other hand makes a little more sound. We don't speak as we walk, but the silence isn't awkward. It's calming. We both have to prepare ourselves for what might happen tonight. 

For some reason the thought of losing Hana again shakes me. I don't want her to go. I remember the pain I felt on her 18th birthday - when I lost her the first time - and now that I know I have her back, that maybe the cure can leave, I can't bear to feel that pain again. Hope is a dangerous thing. It infests itself in you and just keeps growing and growing inside you. A beautiful parasite. 

I see light up ahead. We've reached Raven's trailer. I see Hana stiffen beside me as I reach and open the door. And that's when I finally let myself believe it. That she is uncured. Because she cares about this. She cares about being kicked out. And cureds don't care. That is the thing that the cure takes from you. Your compassion. It is only through compassion that love is found. 

"It's going to be fine," I tell her, forcing a smile on my face. I'm nervous too. 

She nods slightly but the tension doesn't leave her. The look of worry and terror doesn't fade in her eyes. 

I reach my hand back and squeeze hers. Two short pumps, two long ones. Our sign. It's my way of telling her that I am there for her. That I believe her and that I will stand with her. 

I push open the door and immediately see Raven lying on the small bed, Tack leaning next to her, both of them whispering quietly with smiles on their faces. As soon as they hear the door open they look up and the smiles quickly fall. 

"Lena," Raven says slowly, sitting up with the help of Tack. "Who is that?"

I can tell that she knows. She knows she is not an invalid. It's time to plead our case. 

I begin to speak, but Raven buts in and answers her own question. 

Her voice is steady but light and holds some recognition as she says, "Hana Tate."

A/N: Hey! Thank you so much for almost 100 reads!!! Please comment and vote! and if you like divergent, read my other fanfic "After" 

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