Part 11-Raven

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Disclaimer: I do not own delirium or anything in it. It all belongs to the wonderful Lauren Oliver!!

Special Raven chapter!!

I am walking. Walking towards a light. But as I walk, the light continually gets smaller until it is a speck that I can barely make out against the darkness that fills everything else.
I am overwhelmed with a sense of disappointment. I could have gone to a better place; a brighter place. Instead I am surrounded by black. I could have seen them all again-everyone I had lost. Blue.
Suddenly, I am transported to the house I shared with Tack and Lena in New York. It is a night just like any other night we spent there; before things got complicated. It is like I am standing on the side, looking through a window into the past. I can see myself, sitting on the couch with Tack, leaning my head against his shoulder. Lena is sitting in a chair next to us. Smiling at some thought that has her engrossed. I can't remember the last time I saw her smile. She has been so worried about everything lately. Even in New York, she rarely seemed happy. She was always distant. Wanting love in her life but keeping space between it and her. Afraid that it might hurt her again. As I look at my memory, I hope that she is remembering something filled with love.
All the sudden I am wrenched back to the blackness but it is growing lighter. But not the same light as before. This is the light of the sun aging through the trees. I am waking up. I am waking up for them. For Tack and Lena. Because they are worth living for, love is worth living for.

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