Part 10-Lena

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything in the Delirium world, although I wish I did!


"R-Raven?" I say, but it ends up sounding more like a question. I drop to my knees on the ground as I fight the tears threatening to flow down my cheeks.

"Don't look so surprised. Did you really think I would give up so easily?" Raven says, a slight smile on her face. But I could see the tears filling her eyes as well. I can only guess at what the last couple hours had been like for her. Lingering in the limbo between death and life. Between light and dark. Hanging in the grey area. Did she want to leave? Was she ready to see the end of this twisted thing we call a life? She was so close, so close to being back with Blue. Is that what she wanted? To just go back to her loved ones? No- I refuse to think like that. Raven deserves to live. She wants to live. She has Tack and-and me. She's a sister to me, I love her like one. I can only hope she feels the same way.

"Never," I tell her. But there is a waver in my voice that gives my suspicions away.

"I wanted to come back for you. Know that," she tells me so quietly that in positive no one else can hear, not even Tack, who is on Raven's other side. He is tightly grasping her hand as tears silently stream down his face. I have never seen Tack this vulnerable and open. I guess it is something only Raven ever sees.

"Thank you," I say, my voice cracking.

"I have something I need to tell you. But not here. Come by the trailer I've been staying in later." She tells me, a serious look now in her eyes.

I nod and look up to see the sky darkening and people slinking back to their make-shift homes for the night.

Tack bends down to pick up Raven, but she immediately protests.

"I am perfectly capable of waking by myself."

"You just got shot. I am not letting you do anything by yourself right now."

At that I start to walk to where I can see Alex and Hana at the edge of he clearing, knowing that Raven will be in good hands. I tell Raven that I'll come by later before I walk away.

As soon as I get to Alex and Hana, Alex puts his arm around me, trying to shield me from any pain that could possibly be inflicted by Hana.

Hana. I completely forgot. I forgot to tell Raven and Tack about her. I have no idea what they'll say, a cured claiming to be uncured. They would never believe it. But I'm going to have to tell them. I'll do it tonight. For some reason, I really hope they don't turn her away. I believe what she is saying, even if it seems impossible.

Then, I notice that two people are missing from our little group. The two that I am actually related to.

"Alex,"I say looking up at him. "Where are Grace and my mom?"

He opens his mouth but before he can answer, a little voice interrupts him.

"Here!" Grace says, pulling my mother along behind her.

"Hey," I say to her, picking her up. "Shall we go?"

She nods and I try my best to smile genuinely at her but my mind is still on Hana and Raven and Julian.

We start to head back to Alex's trailer, but halfway along the path my mom stops.

"I've been staying in a trailer over there," she says, pointing the opposite direction of where we are going. "I was going to suggest that Grace and I stay there tonight."

I look at Gracie and she says that that is fine, but I am a little wary to let Grace go alone with my mom. It's not that I don't trust her as much as I just don't want to let Grace out of my sight ever again. But Grace looks eager to spend more time with her newfound aunt and I can tell my mom feels the same. Plus I really do need to talk to Alex alone.

I put Grace down and she is about to leave with my mom when she asks to talk to me. So we walk a couple feet away from the rest of the group and she asks me the question I know she has been itching to ask all night.

"What happened?"

I know exactly what she is talking about. Alex.

"I guess I never loved him. He was just a cover up for Alex. I don't really know. It was just as if I was floating with him, covering it up." I say. It's not the best explanation, but I don't know what else to say. My mother just smiles a little and nods, understanding.

"I know about Alex, Raven told me everything. And as long as you are happy, then it is okay with me. Ever since you were born I have wanted love to be a part of your life and now it is. I don't care where it comes from, as long as it is good and whole. If you trust Alex, then I do too," she tells me, care and love so evident in her voice.

"Thank you, mom. And you give me love that I will never be able to deserve. Thank you."

I see a tear slip down her face and then I am hugging her. And the love that we hold for each other burns so bright, I wouldn't be surprised if you could see it from Portland. If is something that I have always held; her love. Something that has always fuelled my days and pushed me forward.

When I return to Alex, my mom walks away with Grace and gives me a reassuring look as she turns away. I smile thinking of that love between us that is still burning; always burning.

Alex pulls me into his side as we continue to walk, Hana a couple feet in front of us.

"What did your mom want to talk to you about?" He asks.

"You," I say and he seems to understand, nothing more is needed to be said. That's what love does. Makes you so completely a part of the other person that you can see into their heart and their mind. Feel what they feel and think what they think.

All of the sudden Hana stops walking and I am snapped out of my thoughts about love.

I turn to see what has caught her eye and see the crimson shirt belonging to Julian. She turns to us and says:

"I'm going to go talk to Julian," not a hint of doubt in her voice. She sees our looks of surprise and protest and quickly adds, "I know him. He's not going to hurt me. I promise I will be back in an hour." And with that she walks off.

Alex looks like he wants to run after her, but I stop him. I trust Julian as well.

"It's okay," I tell him. "She'll be fine. Julian would never hurt her."

"Okay, if you say so," he says, doubt still in his voice. But he keeps walking.

A thought occurs to me. We are finally alone.

A/N : Hey! Please leave feedback and thank you so much for reading!

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