Part 2- Lena

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything, everything belongs to Lauren Oliver.


Grace doesn't stop for a second. She wants these walls down so badly, you can see it in her eyes. Of course, we all do, we all want them down, but it seems as if there is something extra in it for Gracie. For her it is not just about showing that the resistance is strong, as it is for a lot of us. But it is about showing that freedom is possible. But there is still something more in her eyes. Finally I understand, it is signaling the end to her own rebellion. However small it was, Gracie was fighting before any of us were. Fighting because the one person she had ever loved had been taken from her, even though she knew that person could have never loved her back. 

But eventually Grace found love again. And I am proud to say I helped bring it back into her life. And now she is showing it. That her rebellion is over, she has found love and she is never going to let it go. 

So we keep pulling at the walls until it is crumbled at our feet. Then I glance around. I see Julian; and he chooses this moment to look over here. I quickly overt my eyes, but I wasn't quick enough. He catches my eye and starts to come over here. Oh god. I have no idea what I will say to him, I can't hurt him, I care too much about him. But I never loved him. I tried so hard to convince myself I did, to convince myself I could, but in the end I didn't, and I feel strangely relieved to finally be able to admit that to myself. 

When Julian  comes over, I find I can't even look at him, because I know I will break down and tell him everything and I can't do that. Not here, not now. It wouldn't be fair to him or me or Alex. So instead I avoid his eyes and decide to introduce Gracie. 

Just as I open my mouth to speak the first gunshot goes off. 

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