Chapter 34: A Dream-Like Plane

Start from the beginning

A snicker was heard from below me, "Are you just now taking in your appearance?"

"Forgive me for wanting to look at the beautiful scenery rather than my lesser, physical appearance!" 

There was an awkward silence before my companion spoke up again, "I apologize, I wasn't aware that you did not favor yourself in most situations."


We were now on the 'ground'. Things had been silent for the rest of our descent, and there was still an awkward air surrounding the two of us. I began to walk forward, allowing my hand to trail over the surprisingly dense clouds that surrounded everything.

"I see you like the clouds as well," said a smooth and peaceful voice.

I turned slowly, allowing my eyes to meet a pair that were all too familiar. In our silence, I looked at the man. He was short, and his hair rested upon his shoulders. His clothes were dated - there was no telling what time he was from, but it wasn't recent.

"Hello, Miss Seiryuu." I looked up to his eyes again as he smiled softly, "My name is Abi. You look a bit afraid, is there something wrong?"

I went to speak, my eyes leaving his momentarily, "I'm Midori."

I could feel his gaze on me, but I refused to look up just yet, "Seiryuu, here, says that you were sad and dying."

"Most of my life is that way," I said looking at the ground. "I've just learned the art of keeping your troubles to yourself."

He took a few steps forward, and took my hand, leading me to a cloud to sit on, "Well, you don't have to keep everything to yourself here. Rather, you cannot - not if you want to be able to go back into the world and live happily."

"This is a place of judgement?"

"Something like that, but not exactly," he spoke sitting next to me. He took a breath, before starting again, "I think that you should go back, but I can't make that decision. Only you can, but everything will be significantly harder if you don't face some things now."

I sighed, "Like my fears."

"Exactly. The easiest way to do so is to just start talking. You don't have to go in depth, just do what you need to in order to figure out what you want and where you need to be."

I shook, but spoke as a comforting hand was placed upon my back, "I guess . . . I am afraid of Awa because of the current lord. . . "

"Is that your real fear though? It seems that there is something else. Your fear makes sense, but-"

Sighing, I continue, "I think I'm afraid of the truth. The truth of who I am and what I've gone through. I'm afraid I won't be accepted - that the people who I have grown close to will throw me away."

I look over to Abi as he spoke, "Perhaps, the truth isn't the problem. Your friend - the Ryokuryuu - knows most of the truth, and he doesn't shun you. Your brother, Seiryuu, seems to think of you just fine. Your companions seem to really respect you, I'm sure you are in good hands, but that's not where your heart stands - is it?"

"Heh," tears filled my eyes as I realized what he was saying, "I want to be mad at him . . . and yet, I could see myself doing the same thing. I understand why it had to be done. I just - I haven't been mad at him since . . . since I was able to see the Land of Fire again."

Abi got up, his hand was then placed upon my head, "I think you have found something to debate about with your next visitor." I looked up in surprise, but didn't say anything as he continued, "I'm sure that you will have more in common with this one - he's the one who held the power before you. And he's been quite literally dying to see you."

"Ah, I see," I looked down, tears reaching my eyes again; I had gotten attached to his kindness, and he was leaving me.

"Don't think like that," he spoke with a smile. "I'm not leaving you - not me, not your next visitor, not this guy," he pointed to the blue dragon which sat off away from us, "not Hiryuu. We're all with you - with whatever decision you make."

I finally meet Abi's eyes once more, "I see . . . Thank you, Abi."

A smile graced his features as he turned into light and disappeared into the realm as he came.



I have decided that I wanted to expand on the area that Midori was in the last time we seen her.

I also wanted to get out an update while I wasn't as busy.

So, I hope you like this update, 


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