Chapter 5: high as a butterfly

Start from the beginning

It looks so soft and luscious and-

"Dude you need to get here. No she ate them both. No! Bro it was your sh*t arse fault! Fine. K." He hung up and turned to look at me.

His phone.... "You can talk to someone through that thing!!" I say before grabbing it out of his hand.

I put it up to my ear and start talking.

"Hello? Oh yes hi. Mhhmm yup I'm high.. Flying oh yes yes I am mr.pantie. No no I don't think Jace likes muffins.... Yes yes I do." I say and nod my head.

Jace rolls his eyes and opens the front door to reveal Darren.

"Where is she?" He asks.

"Kitchen. Have fun!" Jace says trying to leave but Darren pulls him back.

"No no no no I may have given it to her but it's not my fault you didn't come home right away." Darren pulls him with him to the kitchen.

I stare at them in awe. Two hot boys in my house... This is redonculous.

"Oh hello mr.pantie. Yes sorry I got distracted, two hot boys walked into my house." I say into his phone.

"Who is she talking to?" Darren asks trying not to laugh.

"I really don't know." Jace says and shakes his head with a smirk.

I jump off the counter that I was sitting on and pull Jace down to my height level.

"Listen up I want you guys to stay still and stop being so luscious okay? It's distracting." I say pointing to his hair.

Honestly they all keep moving and ugh I can't handle it.

"Are.... Hahaha are you talking to my hair!?!" Jace says while bursting into laughter.

"Dude she's priceless when she's high." He says looking at me amused. "What's she like when she's normal?" He asks

"I'm AWESOME when I'm normal!! I'm even awesomer when I can fly though! Like right friggen now!! Woohoo!" I yell as i fluff up Jaces hair.

"Beatrice! Stop touching my hair!" He yells loudly.

"But it wants me to." I say as calmly as possible.

I want to be a statue! Okk 1 2 3 freeze!

"What are you doing?" Darren asks.

"She is so weird. Why couldn't we get a normal girl high?" He asks.

"Shhhhh!" I say without moving my mouth.

Gosh they need to be quiet.

Why you ask? I don't know they just do.

"Why the hell are you not moving!?" They both ask at the same time.

"JINX!!!" I yell at them and smile while clapping!

That's so cool to talk in sink!

"Can I talk to Mr. pantie again?" I ask while twirling me hair and batting my eyelashes.

Ok he's Hott I want him here and now.

"Never mind I want you instead!" I say before wrapping my arms around his neck and putting my head against his chest. He immediately freezes.

"Hmm I feel tired." I say while snuggling even deeper with him.

He eventually relaxes and lifts me up bridle style.

"Time for bed weirdo." He says softly.

"I guess I better go then, that was hilarious though! She's a keeper." Darren says before leaving.


He says something else but I'm too far gone to hear him so I let my dreams take over.


That was how my evening went pretty much and let me say I am pissed at Jace.

That was all his fault, which is why I am now searching hard and wide for him at school right now.

It's the next day and I'm not sure what to do when I see him but I know I need to find him and do something!

I don't even remember what happened after eating a muffin and something about jumping on a bed then talking to his hair or something!

Stupid Jace. Stupid drugs. Stupid food. Stupid self for being addicted to food.

I spot him at the back of the school with a cigarette in his hand.

"JACE!" I yell while marching towards him.

"What." He says looking bored as if nothing happened.

Ugh the nerve!

"Don't you 'what' me!" I say while imitating his deep voice.

He rolls his eyes before saying "what do you remember?"

"Eating muffins and then before I know it I'm talking to your hair! DRuGs! DRUGS! DRUGS! They are bad! I could have died!!" I say while hitting his chest each time I said drugs.

"Chill. Having a bit of weed muffins isn't going to kill you, just normally mellows you out a bit but you went crazy." He says before lightly laughing.

"Besides isn't it suppose to be brownies!?" I ask.

Literally isn't it normally brownies? I've heard of that a lot which is why when I saw muffins I didn't even think about it being drugged.

"Well yeah but then my mom would have noticed so just in case I got Darren to make muffins instead." He then takes a drag from his cigarette and blows the smoke in my face.

I start to cough uncontrollably before saying "dude do you want me to get second hand smoke!? You. Are. Killing. Your. Self. Seriously are you stupid!? That is a death trap right there and--

"Shut up! Look It's my life so why do you even care?" He says while putting the thing out with his shoe.

"Because I don't get why people smoke, it's not like it tastes good." I say while rolling my eyes.

"Keep doing that and your eyes will get stuck like that." He says before walking away.

"MEANER!" I yell out to him before huffing and walking the opposite way.

What a dickero. Why is he so frustrating!

Why do I keep talking to him?

Why can't I just stop thinking about him!

Stupid muffins.

Thanks for reading!!

I hope you guys are liking it! Please vote and comment what you think!

I have a lot of ideas for where this is going like their past and what not so I'm excited!

Anywho thanks a billion for reading!

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