Chapter 11

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Back at the mines, Heather and Fishlegs continued working on hitting the rocks, hoping to find a way out and stop the wedding/assassination. Until when Fishlegs hit one of the boulders, water started pouring out inside the room, surprising everyone as they backed up seeing as their situation is now getting worse by the minute.

Just outside of the mines though, Stormfly continued sniffing around the area with Alvin following. "Hey, I found it! It's right here!" She shouted as she hadn't bothered to pause to look at the horse and right away started digging as she meowed and squawked a little. It caused Alvin to move his head up to get away from the dirt until a sound of rubble was heard and saw a deep hole formed.

"What do you think of this?" she asked Alvin looking at the hole.

"That's an amazing hole you made," he said sarcastically twitching his tail impatiently, not seeing the point of the hole since neither can climb in it.

Whether she heard the sarcasm or not, she didn't show. Stormfly pointed to the hole, as she explained what the plan is. "Thanks, but I meant look. I bet I can get to Windshear and the lady this way." 


Astrid was left alone in Heather's room ready for the wedding in her wedding gown, but she knew she couldn't go through with the plot and she refused to believe Heather or Fishlegs were dead. She might have known them for a short amount of time, but Astrid knew that they were too stubborn to be killed so easily. Just as were the Vikings before them, stubbornness is in their DNA. 

Astrid went to her clothes to find the two dagger Hiccup gave her and hid one of them on her gown as she left the other out.

She headed out the door to stop Drago's scheme before the wedding can start. Looking at the hallway both ways, seeing it all empty since every maid, servant and anybody else available is busy with the wedding and started walking away quickly.

And all too soon though, she ran into someone she did not expect to see, but hopefully someone who can help her stop Drago if choosing to believe her.


"You are going down there? You're nuts," Alvin questioned shocked looking down at the hole, seeing nothing but darkness.

"Why not? A cat always lands on their feet, even the one that squawks," she said as she jumped all the way down crashing into the room where Heather, Fishlegs, and Windshear were.

"Astrid's cat?" Heather questioned looking at Fishlegs when she recognized Stormfly. Upon seeing Stormfly, Windshear quickly ran up to her to make sure she's okay since she had the same experience, only Stormfly came out clean and thankfully unharmed.

Fishlegs looked up where Stormfly had fallen in, "It's an old mine shaft," he said, seeing a chance for them to get out.

"Hello! Anybody up there!?" Heather shouted, she was reminded of their situation and turned looking at the water that's still pouring from the rocks getting an idea that would change it to their advantage.

"Water! Here, help me," she told Fishlegs as she grabbed a rock and pulling it away with more water coming out. Fishlegs hit the rocks a couple of more times and more water came out, making it look like a waterfall pouring out of the walls. "Beautiful," Heather said.

Both of the cats looked at each other unsure about the idea of water as a good thing before they looked back to the water.


Astrid looked everywhere to make sure neither of Drago's goons or Drago himself is there, before heading to Drago's office. She picked at the door unlocking it, she got inside and started looking for what Drago had in mind for both her and both of the Chiefs. 

Astrid saw the poison inside the bottle at his desk and grabbed it. She then noticed some papers lying around the bottle and saw it was the plan Drago had for the wedding. "Why did he leave this lying around? Idiot," she muttered, but couldn't be more grateful for the idiot's mistake so she can plan on how to stop it. The wedding bell then rang outside the palace, signaling the wedding is going to start soon.

Astrid turned to run from the room. Unfortunately, as she did she ran straight to Viggo, who grabbed ahold of her.

"No! Let me go! You can't do this!" She shouted, trying to break free from her captor and hoping someone could hear them.

"Oh I think we can and if ye don't want anyone to know yer posing as the princess ya'll be taken away," Drago sneered. "And I'll take that, thank you." He grabbed the bottle Astrid had harshly and ordered Viggo to take her outside where the wedding was set.


At the mines, Fishlegs grabbed a barrel that was inside the room and emptied it out as Heather grabbed both Windshear and Stormfly. When he was finished, she put both cats inside and with Fishleg's help, she got inside as he followed after her, just missing the water as it began to fill the room and rising.

After twenty minutes past, the cats dared to look out at the water from the barrel they were inside in as the water continued increasing, carrying them to the top.


At the wedding, it had begun with Hiccup walking down the aisle with Drago and B. Wilder following behind proudly. And Viggo and Ryker were already by the priest's right side.

"Looking good, Sir Ryker," Viggo told his brother.

"Looking good, Sir Viggo," Ryker chuckled before both looking at Drago nodding at him as he took his place in front of them as Chief Hiccup's best man.

Hiccup look back to see 'Lady Heather' walking up the isle with Chief Dagur guiding her there and stood beside her at the alter facing the priest.

"You look gorgeous," Hiccup breathed out.

Astrid couldn't help but smile at Hiccup, before looking back down again as she could feel Drago's gaze at her. Daring her to say something.

Hiccup sighed, 'Something's not right, I just know it!' before putting on a smile and faced the priest so he can begin.


This looks really short now that I'm typing it, but don't worry the last two will be long.

At least I hope it will be. Let me know what you think, please comment! And stay tuned to find out if Heather and Fishlegs will arrive on time or will Drago get away with his plot.

Princess And The Pauper: HTTYD Style *Edited*Where stories live. Discover now