Chapter 4

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B. Wilder was barking and chasing Windshear with Stormfly trying to keep up. Windshear dodges the people and carts while B. Wilder crashing into it, but still running for her. When the cat couldn't keep up too exhaust from the day, it looked up at the houses and smiled seeing a short cut.

The chase continues, Stormfly follows jumping from roof to roof, wasn't until Windshear came to a dead end and couldn't find another escape. "Look who's a long way from the palace," B. Wilder grinned seeing her trapped.

"Don't get any ideas, there's a lot about me you don't know," Windshear hissed threateningly.

"I'll take my chances," He scoffed and got low to attack, but before he could the bluish cat jumps in between them.

"I'm warning you, back off!!" Stormfly shouted revealing a female voice causing the dog to dismiss the feline as a threat to another prey.

"Or you'll do what? You'll spit a hairball at me?" B. Wilder asked mockingly.

That wasn't until Stormfly started squawking, startling him. While he was distracted, Windshear went up to a stink bucket and knocked it down to the black dog. B. Wilder ended up running off when he couldn't get it off, knocking down or hitting against anything that got on his way whimpering trying to find his way back without his eye sight.

"Well that was quite impressive sound you have there, what is your name?" Windshear said, coming up to Stormfly.

"My name's Stormfly," she answered. "And yours, I've never seen you around here? You alright?"

"It's Windshear and I'm okay thank you. I don't think we are from the same circle, but I think we can change that. Friends?" she responded.


"Oh there you are," Heather said as the two girls grabbed their cats. As they did, Windshear meowed while Stormfly squawked.

"Did your cat just squawk?"

"Uh, she had her style all on her own." Astrid replied sheepishly when they turned to see the carriage being brought up to them.

"I'm sorry, my lady, but we should be heading back," Fishlegs said as he opened the door to the carriage.

"One day you must show off your skills at the skills at the palace and voice," Heather said to Astrid.

"Really?" Astrid replied shocked, but excited.

"I'll send someone for you."

"I'll be at Sir Savages'," Astrid smiled.

"Goodbye Astrid, I won't forget," Heather said as the carriage started moving.

After Astrid put down her cat on a barrel, she waved back, "Goodbye." After they had left, Astrid turned to her cat, "We made amazing friends today, didn't we?" she said to Stormfly and she squawked agreeing with her, "Come on girl, let's go home."


That night, Heather fell asleep on her desk and while Windshear was sleeping on her cat bed that was besides Heather's bed. It wasn't until the silver feline heard a noise that woke her up. She opened her eyes to see a toy mouse crawling outside of the room.

Seeing a toy mouse going by, she got up saying, "I may be deinty, but I'm still a feline." She gave chase to the mouse going all the way down stairs through the palace.

When she finally caught it at the back entrance of the palace, she ended up trapped in a box. Startled, she started meowing and two figures showed up revealing Viggo and Ryker.

"Yes! We did it, let's go," Ryker said.

"Come here," Viggo motioned him. When he got closer, Viggo banged him in the head.

Princess And The Pauper: HTTYD Style *Edited*Where stories live. Discover now