Chapter 3

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"Singing" "Both singing"


Fishlegs is riding on the carriage, driving the horses and when he looked back inside the carriage, Heather and Windshear popped up looking at the village from inside the carriage. As Heather wears her cape and the hood up.

When they came to a stop in the village, Fishlegs got down and opened the door for Heather letting her out.

"There is nothing like some fresh air and a change of scene," Fishlegs said to Heather as he helped her get down.

"If only it was that easy," Heather smiled as she took his hand. "Come on, Windshear," She called to her cat as they start walking around the village, not noticing the giant black dog underneath the carriage as he got out with a few struggle, following them.

"It's feels so good and so nice to be outside the castle walls. Nobody even knows who I am," Heather said with joy. "So which one is your house?" she asked Fishlegs.

"It's more of a room actually, we couldn't afford a house," he answered.

Heather stopped to face him shocked, "Oh, I didn't mean-," she started.

"I know," Fishlegs told her with an understanding nod. He continued by pointing to a location. "Third floor to the right and I have all my studies there."

They started walking again with Windshear following, along with B. Wilder stalking them.

When they passed by a flower stand, Fishlegs picked a silver rose sniffing it before giving it to Heather, "A perfect example of a Moonlight Blossom."

"My favorite," she said as she accepted the flower, "but you knew that." She smiled as they continued.

"Hmm, what is that amazing smell?" Heather said as she turned to the source of the smell, looking at a stall that was on sale for the food.

Fishlegs smiled saying, "I will be right back." And started walking to get them both food.

Heather smiled at Fishlegs when he walked away, as she did, she noticed a family closing their business and home before leaving depressed making Heather feel guilty. They are Viking descendants for Thor's sake! She needed to help them somehow.

That was until she heard singing not far away.

"Like the birds that fly

in the morning light

or a butterfly in the spring.

When your spirits rides on the winds of hope,

you'll find your wings."

At the center of the hall is Astrid singing to gain money while doing tricks with her axe as her bluish cat holding the tin can collected the coins being tossed in their direction.

"Let's go listen, Windshear," she told her as Windshear meowed and walked with Heather.

"For you're always free to begin again

and you're free to believe.

When you find the place

where your heart belongs-."

Astrid was suddenly rudely interrupted as Sir Savage came right up to Astrid with a scowl on his face.

"Caroling??" Sir Savage sneered, making the crowd go away seeing that the performance was over. The axe, Astrid had tossed in the air fell right behind them barley missing them.

Princess And The Pauper: HTTYD Style *Edited*Where stories live. Discover now