Chapter Fifty-Two

Start from the beginning

"I'll have a glass of your best Merlot, please." She said as she began texting on her phone.

Boujee at its finest.

"You're driving," I warned her.

She turned to me slightly and with a pointed finger, and said, "No, you're driving. Since you wanted to make unwanted plans for me, I'm making unwanted plans for you." She said.

The waitress waited for a change of the order but my mother looked back at her and repeated, "A glass of your finest Merlot, please." Before returning back to her phone.

I rolled my eyes and let her do whatever she wanted, she was an adult after all.

"And for you sir?" The waitress asked Allen.

"Just some sparkling water, ma'am." The waitress nodded and promised her return with our drinks in a moment.

All three of us sat at the table silent and awkward.

"So.... how was both of your days so far?" Allen said finally breaking the silence threatening to end this lunch earlier than intended.

My mother ignored him and continued to text as if he never said anything. I was attempting to be a lot more civilized and decided on engaging in conversation with him.

"Good so far, taking a break after the Grammy's and going back to school," I said to him.

Allen's face brightened up at the mention of school. "What school do you go to? I don't think I remember you telling me over text." He said.

A smile crept across my face as I spoke about my college. It was crazy to think that I was a Junior now, I had only a year left before I would leave the place that I had come to know as home and set off into my full adult-life.

"I go to Indiana University."

"Go Hoosiers, huh?" He chuckled.

I nodded and continued to tell him all about it there, the sorority I was in, and my major. He seemed interested that I was a Biology major and asked me why I choose that particular field.

The waitress came back and handed us all our drinks, we asked for more time to look over the menu and she left us.

I grew shy momentarily as I revealed my initial plan of becoming a doctor before this whole record label thing came into the plan, just like that the career path I believed I was going to go down was gone. I wasn't quite sure if I cared it didn't go as planned, though.

"Well, I had initially wanted to go into medicine..." I began.

"And what happened?" He asked.

"Honestly, Allen?" My mother looked up from her phone to give my father a dumb stare.

"What?" He asked her.

"She just won two Grammy's off her debut album. She has a music career to ride on now, who needs to go into medicine?" She barked.

Allen looked hurt by that statement, "Well, what if she wanted to go to medical school? She's perfectly capable and smart enough to do it." He said with a narrowed gaze.

My mother groaned, "Being around sick people all day or vacationing in the tropics because your net worth is over the hundreds of millions hmm..." She pretended to think as she said this.

My father frowned, "What's wrong with being a doctor?" I could tell he was getting annoyed by mother's words.

"I just told you." She replied simply.

Allen's eyes were now entirely focused on my mother. "Is it because I'm a doctor? Huh? You think Misty is gonna get some curse by following in my footsteps?" He asked her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2018 ⏰

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