Chapter Twenty-Four

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-Misty's P.O.V.-

"MAUI HAWAII BABBBYYYY!!"Chrishell yelled at the top of her lungs in excitement. She waved her hands dramatically turning in circles in glee before Tess stepped in and stopped her from making a fool of herself.

"Dang Chrishell you want to let the rest of Egypt here your ass!!" Ron joked.

She cut a look at him and he winked before grabbing the rest of the girls luggage into the awaiting cars Alex had ordered for us. The airport was full with people with smiles and leis around their necks which included all of us and I honestly can say that I was happy that I decided to come on this trip, what I needed was a break and my first order of business was to take a dip in the pool.

"Do we have to take all their bags to the car?"Chase complained to the rest of the guys that were following Ron putting the bags away.

"We do whatever the boss lady says." Wes spoke up.

I briefly glanced over at Alex and nudged her silently. Her face rose in red with blush and she looked away pretending not to notice what he just said.

"Tess." Chase whined.

Tess rolled her eyes and took attendance of the girls on the trip with us. "I can't here." She stated. I watched as Chase frowned and grabbed the remaining bags waiting to be put into the car. I almost busted out laughing the boys looked a bit miserable and the girls...they looked they were having a ball.

"What are you smiling about, beautiful?" Jayden's sweet and deep voice whispered into my ear. His hands slipped and cradled my waist gently and I wanted his hands to stay there forever holding me.

I shook my head a bit. "Nothing, I'm just happy I came." I said to him.
His beautiful sea-glass green eyes stared intently into my brown ones searching for something that I wasn't quite sure of. Jayden was like magic in the living flesh, whenever he stared at me like this it was like I could feel a million lightning bolts zapping my body and running all through my blood and veins it was a bit intoxicating.

"Hey! Can you two love birds stop staring at each other mindlessly and get into the that mess for the bedroom." Ron said appearing in front of us and when I looked up I noticed that everyone was now missing from the front of the airport and patiently waiting for us in the car. I fought the urge to blush immensely it was like I lost track of time when I was with Jayden. He was something different.

Jayden recovering quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me to the nearest car with available seats for the both of us. We hopped in randomly with some of the Zeta girls Tamarra, Lindsay, Kelly, Asheleai, and Bianca.

"What were you doing back there, Prez?" Lindsay asked me.

Jayden made kissing and winking faces at them and I rolled my eyes keeping focused on the window beside me.

"Not what he's doing." I swatted Jayden trying to give me a kiss on the cheek.

"AWWW!! You guys are so cute together." Bianca gushed.

"Thank you." Jayden responded to her. I remained staring at the window, I really wasn't the public affection showing kind of person. After that the girls pretty much left us alone and we were off to the to the hotel in a flash.
"The Hilton, Dara you out did yourself." I whispered to Alex beside me.
She smiled, her blue eyes crinkled when she did that.

"I have connections." She whispered.

I chuckled softly and we headed into the hotel and got checked in immediately. Chrishell and I got paired up in a double with an ocean view and living room. It was huge the beds were both king sized and the living room was equipped with a large flat screen television. The seats were vibrant ocean blue and comfortable when we sat on them.

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