Chapter Fifty

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-Jayden's P.O.V.-

"Yo Jay chill! You're causing a scene! Stop!" Ron said as held me back from my spastic movements of rage; Chase was also blocking my view from what was happening right in front of my eyes.

Lazaro gets on his little guitar sings an itty-bitty song, gets all the girls starry-eyed and hooked on him. It's all in his plan...he didn't want Misty, he only wanted her because I had her, now he's trying to pull something over me like he won or something.

"Jayden stop it!" Chase called my attention back to him and his serious eyes that were painted with a smudge of pity; I almost laughed, I wasn't going to be pitied by my friends, I had no time for that...I wanted my girl back.

I wanted Misty.

I stopped struggling in their arms and fixed myself before I ran my hands through my hair; I couldn't believe this was happening to me right now.

"Thank you." Ron huffed, he looked at me seriously. "Were you seriously going to ruin Misty's birthday like that? After all this time she's been going back and forth and we rarely get to see her and you want to push her further away from us?" He asked me.

Chase was beside him nodding approvingly.

I rolled my eyes, "She's not here because she's busy." I informed them.

"That and the fact that when she does get free time she spends it with her other talented friends...also known as not us." Chase said.

I thought about it for a slight moment; Misty and her group filled with the red-head chick who smokes, the really happy-go-lucky gay guy, and the always monotonous twin seemed very, very close. Unfortunately with that close-nit friendship came the biggest problem I've ever head to face.


I suddenly felt gusty for a multitude of reasons; 1. Misty didn't seem as close to our group anymore because of me and my foolish actions I pushed her away from the only sense of comfort she had here in Indiana and 2. I was becoming a pain in the ass for my friends. I could tell they were starting to get irritated with my "acting out" type of behavior and I knew I had to tone it down a couple of notches or I would have a lot of problems down the road.

"Are you calm now?" Ron asked me curiously.

I nodded and scratched the back of my head, "Sorry...thanks for holding me back." I said sincerely.

He nodded and I turned my head back to where I had previously seen Misty and Larz only millimeters from each other smiling brightly and experiencing something I had so deeply wish I had kept with Misty, now gone.

The party crowd was back to dancing and drinking happily, only left was some of Misty's groupie friends, and Alex.

"Where did they go?" I asked my friends curiously.

Chase shrugged, "I think it'd be better if you don't know, man." He replied.

I shook my head and found myself pushing the crowd of people of to Alexandra who was laughing and smiling brightly at some unfamiliar people when she saw me her smile dimmed just a bit before it returned to normal.

"Hey, Jayden." Alex greeted me nicely.

I waved a little, "Hey, wouldn't happen to know where Misty is by chance?" I questioned her.

She furrowed her brow for a half a second before she shook her head, "I have no idea." She responded.

Something told me she knew exactly where she was but she wasn't going to tell me. I couldn't force the answer out of her, after all her loyalty came to Misty first before it came anywhere near me so I was pretty much screwed in that sense.

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