Chapter Ten

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Chrishell's P.O.V.-

"Um...Alex where did all these people come from?" I scratched my head watching girls of all different kinds laughing, talking, and walking around our booth checking it out.

Alex shrugged. "We needed at least 12 girls I got 30." She said reasonably.

Okay, Alex was amazing. When she wanted to get something done she got it done. She was a go-getter and besides the fact that she got all these girls to come look at us was perfect. Not to mention the booth and all the decorations she got for us on short notice. Sometimes I wondered how she did it. I knew she's been working her ass off taking she had bags in her eyes from the lack of sleep she got at night, but thats why Misty, Tess, and I have been working alongside her to make this work. The more she wanted this to happen the more we all wanted this to happen. So when it was a little bit slow here at the Zeta Theta Nu booth all she said was, "I'll be back in a moment." and when she came back it was a parade of girls.

Alex smiled. "Hope you girls come to the meet and greet this Saturday." She said brightly. Would you imagine how much energy she put out to all these girls she was like a girl with no care in the world. But I knew something was up with Alex. We all did we just didn't know how to go about it with her yet but it was coming for sure.

Misty was still at school being an overachiever as usual so it was just Alex, Tess and I handing out flyers, cute little buttons, and smiles. Some of this really wasn't me but had I really figured myself out yet. All I knew was that I wanted to dance, be free, and travel.

"What sorority is this?" A voice popped into my thought bubble of a head.

My eyes snapped instantly to the voice and I was met by a cute Asian girl with a short bob, and green eyes. I turned to her and put on my best smile.

"Zeta Theta Nu." I responded nicely.

She furrowed her brow. "I haven't heard of you guys." She responded honestly.

I still kept the smile on my face. "You can say we've been hiding for a bit." I replied.

She nodded. I took the opportunity to hand her some goodies and she took them politely.

"I'm still not too sure about you guys." She said pouting a little.

Be nice Chris. Be nice.

"Then just come to our meet and greet on Saturday I'm positive you'll be sure by then." I said. She nodded and I handed her the invitation to the meet and great and she left. I released a huge breath I've been meaning to get out. Alex tossed me a smile and I smiled back.

For real this time.


About an hour or two went into the booth before I decided I was going to take a break for the time being. Tess and Alex took over for me as I strolled across the Sorority and Fraternities booths. I always wondered why people got hyped up for these kinds of things. Maybe for the parties and popularity, but I wasn't in the Greek life before and I've never heard of some of these people.

Maybe I needed to get out more.

I continued on my stroll minding my own business and I "casually" slipped over to the Delta Sigma Phi table and over to Rondall. I was lying though I wasn't casually slipping into the booth I was purposely there to see Rondall. Wes and Chase waved over at me and I did the same before punching Ron in the shoulder.

He turned around abruptly. "Is that how you greet people?" he asked sarcastically rubbing his arm.

I smiled. "No, just you." I said.

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