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Time start passing and with passing time finally I realized I m in love with my Randhir.

My Randhir

I smiled at my inner teasing voice. Yes, my Randhir. My husband. My friend and my first love only. But on the other hand I m so stupid and idiot and the reason behind only one that I m in love with him from long time but I didn't realized first. But now I realized I m enjoying this feeling. Love is really a beautiful feeling. I feel like I m n heaven. This feeling is so different and mesmerized that sometimes I found myself lost in day dreaming with him. And more over without reason I smiled. Sometimes he caught me but I shrugged and later I scold myself. When I m alone I admired our wedding pics. Especially our pic. He as my husband. Even after he slept I told him I love him and lightly kissed his lips. But I never said in front of him cause my less self confidence.

Randhir: Muffin..

I heard his raspy voice. I smiled and turn around. He stepped in and looked at me intensely. His burning gaze making me squirm. He start taking his predatory steps towards me. I want to step back but his fixed intense gaze stopped me on my position. His cologne filled my nostrils and my breathe hitched. He lift his hand and his finger brushed my cheek. He put the falling lock behind my ear. He leaned near to face.

Kiss. Kiss.

He leaned more and steadily my eyes start shutting down and waited. For a while nothing happened. I opened my eyes and saw him smirking with crossed arms. I looked at him confusingly but he smiled and his eyes gleamed with mischievously. With shy smile I pushed him and ran away. But he held my hand and spin me. I collided with his chest. My hands placed on his broad shoulder where his hands holding me near to him from waist.

Randhir: Were u expecting something?

I down my eyes but my traitor lips curved upside. I gasped as he adjusted me in his embrace tightly.

Randhir: Speak U were expecting something.

His voice dripping naughtiness and I shyly shook my head in negative. I felt near to my left ear. His hot breathe going inside my ear hole.

Randhir: Even I want too but U have college and I have company to handle. And I can't control myself around u.

Even I can't.

Randhir: It just ur shirt unbuttoned from top.

He leaned back and I looked at my shirt and the button is tucked inside its hole. I raised my lashes and bit my lower lip.

I: Thanks.

He smiled and stepped back. He offered his hand and without hesitation I accepted. We walked out our room for breakfast.


With humming my favorite track I parked my car in front of my college. Rain was heavenly pouring. I climbed outside and opened my umbrella. The clattering sound covering the environment. I walked inside and soon a pat hit my back. The hit person comes to my side. Vincent winks at me and I rolled my eyes. I rubbed my back and walked to our department side.

Vincent: So u told him?

I shook my head in negative. He rolled his eyes.

Vincent: R u planning or not ?

I glanced him for a sec and shrugged.

I: I don't know.

He stopped on his way and looked at me with puzzlement.

Vincent: What do u mean by u don't know.

I made weird face.

I: I don't know means I don't know.

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