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She exactly guessed  right about the papers.  Those were her admission papers


I ate the last piece of my breakfast. I looked at my right side her plate is going to complete soon. A small smile formed on lips at least I don't have to worried about her eating. Today again she looks amazing. She is wearing pink off shoulder blouse with blue denims. She looks gorgeous even in simple dress. But there is a thing that she occasionally open her hair. I saw her hair flowing at the charity event for the first time. It comes to her waist. Or else she tied in french braid, fish tail or into pony tail when we go for outing. Like today she made fish tail braid. I chuckled and she looked up at me. Quickly I composed myself. She looked me with puzzled cute face.

Sanyukta: R u okay ?

I brightly smiled to her and nods.

Sanyukta: No I mean I heard some voice from ur side.

I shook my head with blinked eyes and got up from the seat. I take my jacket from other chair and wore it.

I: I m leaving.

She nods and walked with me till the elevator. I pushed the button and in few seconds it opened. I walked inside and pushed the button. I directly looked into her eyes till the door didn't closed. Finally it happened and I heavenly signed or says a deep disappointed signed. One more morning went and again she didn't spoke. With dishearten I raked my fingers in my hair. What should I do that she spoke. I never tried this much for any girl. But my wife she is really testing my patience.

She is different . She is muffin. Ur muffin.

I snorted. Muffin my muffin. She is but why can't she understand I want her to open up to me like I did. I thought if talks couldn't work then some work will do. I start giving her bunch of files to read and point out but still no use. Every morning I prayed to lord that today is the day when she again spoke about her passion but at the end I got empty hands. I m trying everything that she could understand but.......


The elevator door opened and Robert was standing there with opened door of car. He greeted me and I curtly nods. I sat in the car and soon he start the engine. We are out my home. Before her it was only house. A building of four walls which is made up of concrete and glass but now I found home. A live home. Every corner speak of her presence.

Robert: Don't mind if I asked u something ?

I spin my head and looked at the rear mirror. His eyes were at me.

I: What ?

Robert: U looked disappointed ?

I chuckled lightly.

I: Same thing happened.

He tightly smiled.

Robert: But u made her to signs those paper.

I: Yes, I did and she have no idea till now. But I want that she opened up to me before she get call.

His eyes shone.

Robert: Ohh don't worry she will.

My face falls and looked outside.

I: don't know when... we are completing a month.

He chuckled lightly and focused on the road. My head back to her thoughts. Hope she will open soon or I will end up things in mess. These days I m loosing control. I felt like my desire empowering me and I don't want that. I m trying hard to stay in control but at the end I need a physical contact with her and I messed up everything.

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