The slight hum of the elevator is the only noise in the short elevator ride to the top floor. I play with the straps of my backpack almost forgetting I had it on. We walk down a short hallway and our footsteps are muffled by the carpeted floor as we make our way down the corridor.

Levi stops at the door at the end of the hallway and takes out his keys. He smoothly slides one key in the lock and turns. He flings open the door and briskly walks in, I hesitantly follow.

"Come." Levi bluntly orders, speaking for the first time since we left the church. I set my bag down and I awkwardly waddle behind him into a small living room. He pointed to the couch for me to sit as he leaves to what I'm guessing a bathroom. As I sit there I take the opportunity to observe the room.

I could tell he really liked his cleanliness because there wasn't a speck of dust to be seen. The room smelt like cleaning supplies and everything was neatly organized. It was cozy and inviting, completely opposite of what I've seen of Levi so far.

Right then Levi comes back into the room holding a small first aid kit, a black bottle, and some rags. He sits down next to me and opens the small plastic container. When he starts fumbling through the Band-Aids and gauze I take my phone out and look in my reflection at the wound. An inch long gash went across my left cheekbone but a dark blue, purple, and black bruise surrounded it, taking up most of my face.

"Ok let me have a look." Levi's deep voice took me out of my trance so I put my phone down and faced him. He moved in to get a closer look and reached his hand up to lightly touch it. Suddenly the pain in my face returned when he brushed over the wound and I flinch at the stinging pain.

Levi however stayed calm and grabbed my chin to a position he can see. His cold fingers were surprisingly soft and gentle. He took a wet cloth and cleaned up the stream of both dry and wet blood going down my cheek. I watch his focused face, he furrowed his eyebrows, clenched his sharp jaw, his eyes glued on his hands narrowing them sometimes. Every once in a while he would blink, making short eye contact with me, but before too long he would refocus his eyes back to his work. Once he finished, he took a piece of gauze and the purply-black bottle and twisted off the cap.

"What's that?" I ask nervously.

"Hydrogen peroxide" as he answers he places the gauze over the top and quickly flips it a few times to saturate it.

"..Is that the stingy stuff?" I ask with a hint of disgust.

Levi turns back to me grabs my face again and presses the cloth onto the wound. My face instantly starts burning as crystals form, disinfecting it.

"...yes." Levi holds it there for a while, pressing and dabbing the wound. I grimace at the sensation and involuntarily jerk my head away slightly but Levi yanks it back every time.

He finally takes off the gauze, now stained a slight pink, takes a small tube of cream, and squeezes out a small amount on his finger. He lightly dabs the clear cream onto the cut. After he wipes his finger off, he grabs a bandage and places it over the laceration.

"Well at least you don't have to worry about infection" Levi stands, cleans up, and walks back into the room he came from. I sit uncomfortably on the soft couch and twiddle my thumbs in silence. Levi returns and purses his lips.

"You hungry?" He asks, thinking about it, I never had anything to eat today. I look at the clock on the wall, it was about 1:00 pm already so I nod my head. "...perfect, let's go."

I stand up quickly and clumsily try to catch up to him. "W-what? Where?"

He chuckles, "Hm you'll see"

More Than a Coincidence (An Ereri/Riren fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now