Chapter 14: Xander

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Jordan POV:

Something about Xander is different. One minute i was seeing flashes of this old mean looking guy running at him and now, it's just silent. He is standing in front of me, hunched over like he has been hit in the stomach. I don't see the old guy anywhere, I wonder where he went. Xander looks up at me, his eyes a strange mixture of gold and red, bloodshot almost. Something is wrong, something is very wrong with my best friend.

Xander POV:

I faintly hear Jordan saying, "Bro, what's wrong... Xander? You okay?" I can't answer him though, I don't have control of myself. I can still hear him, and see as if i were still me, but I have no control over what my body does. I feel a smile spread across my lips that is not my own. "Yes, I'm perfectly fine," I hear myself say, but these are not my words, they may have come out of my mouth, but they are not my words. I want to scream to Jordan, tell him that I'm not okay, tell him that Jackson has possessed my body. Tell him to help me. This feeling of helplessness and lack of control has me in a mental state of near agony.

Jordan POV:

Not for one minute do I believe the words that just came out of Xander's mouth. "Xander, I know that's not true. Tell me the truth," I say, not wanting to believe what I know what is inevitably true. The reason all got silent at once, the reason Xander isn't himself. "Jackson, you leave Xander and give him his body back!" I scream at him. "I don't think so, I think I'll stay," Jackson says using Xander's voice and then that same evil smirk that i was greeted with reappears on Xander's face. I know what I have to do.

Xander POV:

I am filled with a small feeling of relief when Jordan calls Mr. Jackson out. I am proud of him for figuring out that I wasn't the one in control anymore. I have bigger problems though. I pray that Jordan gets his composure and goes back to base to get the exorcism kit. Just as i think this, he does just that. This has never happened before, but we carry the necessities just in case. I struggle under the weight of my own body to take control, but I have no luck. I'm not going to be able to do this on my own.

Jordan POV:

I reach the first floor back at the lobby. I decided to take the stairs because I had no time for elevators. I see a few flashes of Lily standing where we left her, staring upwards. "What happened up there, and where is Xander?!?" she asks, frantic. "He's upstairs, Jackson possessed him, gotta get the exorcism kit," I pant, in a hurry. She stared some more, mouth gaping open now. She looks terrified, she mouths the words 'Oh no' and I know that I have to get back to Xander, and fast. I grab the kit and run back up the four flights upstairs to try and save Xander.

Xander POV:

I can't even be relieved when i see Jordan reach the top of the stairs. I haven't moved since he left. I'm guessing because Mr. Jackson thought that Jordan just got scared and ran away, but what he doesn't know is that's not my friend. He opens the kit and pulls out the holy water and a cross and a bible. I just kind of stare at him, against my will and the words "What are you gonna do with that?" mockingly escape my lips. "You'll see." And Jordan puts some holy water in his hand and flings it at me. It starts to burn in contact with my skin, then he approaches me, saying a prayer. Next, he sticks the cover of the bible to my forehead and I scream and start to convulse. I fall to the floor, Jackson is losing his strength. Jordan commands that Jackson leave me and never come back in the name of the lord and it was just too much for him. I feel control enter my body again as Jackson flees to the last room at the end of the hall. My possession is finally over.

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