Chapter 16: Xander

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I gasp as i get full control over my own body back, and fall to my knees on the ground. I am drained, I have very little energy left. "Hey, you alright Xander?" a concerned Jordan asks. "Yeah, I just need to sit here for a minute. That was scary as hell dude." I reply, waving him off. "For you and me both." he agrees. He kneels beside me until I have enough strength to get back on my feet again. He gives me a hand up, and we dust ourselves off.

"You sure you don't wanna call of the investigation? That was pretty rough man." Jordan says, worrying about me after what just happened. "I'm sure, that's not how I do things." Which isn't a lie. Jordan and I have never under any circumstances left an investigation. "We still have like 6 hours until we get unlocked out of this place anyway." I continue to give reasons why we shouldn't leave. "Well then, alright," Jordan states reluctantly.

We walk downstairs, discussing what to do next. "Well, we could just chill with Lily and the kids for a while, and then go mess with Jackson some more," the last part I said teasingly, knowing that that wasn't going to happen. "Yeah right!" Jordan exclaims, a disgusted look on his face. "Kidding!" I yell back. "You damn well better be!" he says, a joking smile playing at the edges of his mouth. "Wanna race the rest of the way?" I ask him. "I'll beat you." he says nonchalantly. "We'll just have to see about that won't we, On your mark, Get set, GO!" and we are racing down 2 flights of stairs.

Jordan wins the race by about 3 steps, but I don't care, I just let him gloat in his victory for a while. It's always about half and half with who wins with us. We are panting like dogs when we reach the bottom of the stairs. We walk into the lobby to meet a smiling Lily who's eyes brighten as soon as we walk in the room. "Xander, you're okay!" she squeaks. I have no clue why she is so excited, but I can't say I don't like it. I have no clue why what happens next does though.

Lily runs right up to me, puts her arms around my neck, and kisses me!

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