Chapter 2: Xander

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It was another long afternoon preparing for tonight's investigation. My friend Jordan and I have our own little ghost hunting group. We call it Savannah Paranormal. I'm Xander, i'm 18 and from Savannah, Georgia, Jordan is 3 months younger than I am and he's from California, yeah, big change from there to here. I've known Jordan since the 8th grade and we shared a common interest in hunting ghosts.

I have this kind of "Gift" or something along those lines. I can see ghosts. Ever since I can remember, i've been able to see them. They look like normal people to me. We started this group for fun, but then it turned into kind of a hobby. The fact that I can see them makes it easier for us to know where they are, and it's not such a surprise to Jordan. He thought is was awesome when I first told him my secret. Most people don't know about me because I don't feel that the whole world needs to know my business all the time.

We decided to start the group as soon as we graduated high school a few months ago. Summer is the best time of the year to be out all night because it doesn't get that cold. Winter, on the other hand, is a whole different story. Sometimes we have to wear two jackets just so we don't freeze to death overnight and someone find two human popsicles in the morning. Yeah, not too fun.

Our first investigation took place in an old abandoned Victorian-Style house that was at least 100 years old. We looked up the house's history and found some interesting facts. A whole family of 5, three of who were kids, was shot in a robbery gone wrong. People had heard about and actually experienced some pretty crazy stuff in that place. I wont be going back there again.

Tonight, we are going to a hotel near here called Savannah Nights Inn. There have been reports of a girl who walks the hallways and throws things and gets angry when people stay in Room 13. There are also stories of a little boy and girl who like to play at night. There is also one spirit that I am eager to meet. There is supposedly an evil entity who despises anyone who sets foot in the hotel. We will definantly be looking for him.

Jordan packs the last camera up and we are ready to go. "Dude, you ready for this?" I ask him. "Ready as i'll ever be, i guess," he replies. Jordan thinks that he's always less prepared than me on investigations just because I can actually see the ghosts and he can't. The thing is, is that I can only see them if they want me to, or if they don't necessarily not want me to. If they want, they can hide themselves from me, to where neither me or Jordan can see them. That's not very often though. If they don't want to be seen, there isn't really much I can do about it, except maybe try to talk to them. Otherwise, I'm helpless.

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