Chapter 19: Lily

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When I kiss him, things go better than expected. He actually starts to kiss me back. I run my fingers through this messy hair and he runs his fingers through mine. Where our lips touch, there is a humming of electricity. I guess this is my doing because when Jason and I... Never mind him, this is Xander, not Jason. I let myself get caught in the moment, completely unaware of my surroundings.

Jordan clears his throat and Xander and I pull apart. I smile at the ground, very happy with myself. I notice Jordan take his hands off of Jake and Sally's eyes and I am suddenly a little embarrassed, but I don't let it get to me. Xander scratches the back of his head and mumbles "Ummm..." then he just walks out of the room without another word. He just leaves. 

Really? Kisses me and then leaves. Isn't that caring. I'm hurt. Speechless, I start towards the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs I turn around to the kids and say, "You can go back downstairs now and play if you want, the hotel will be inhabited again soon." They nod and I drift upstairs into my room and lay on my bed. I can't cry, literally, I'm a ghost, I don't have tear ducts, but the pain is there. I can feel my face get hot and turning red, my eyes getting to where they look bloodshot even though no blood runs in my veins.

My throat burns with the human memory of tears that I can no longer shed. My heart aches with the pain   that I know to be the pain of heartbreak, all over again. It seems as if every time I trust someone, even a little bit, I get hurt. This just adds to that list. Stupid boys, stupid life, stupid death, it all sucks. 

I bite my lip and curl up in a ball on the bed that I last felt this kind of pain. I burst into tearless, quiet sobs in the loneliness I feel in my existence as a teenage ghost. All I can do is think about all the reasons why this had to happen to me and do my best at crying. I turn over, shove my face into a pillow, and lay there with nothing else to do with myself. I hear them talking downstairs and moving outside and I think to myself, Goodbye, Xander, as he leaves, not even knowing I care.

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