Chapter 13: Lily

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I finally get up the stairs, both of the kids' hands in mine, and I see Jordan and Xander standing in the empty lobby with their equipment. Xander is eying me and the kids in a kind of goofy manor, I fight the urge to snicker. "Hey guys," says Xander, addressing the kids, an eager sound in his tone of voice. "Hi," they both say excitedly in unison. They have a weird way of doing that. "That one's Xander, and the other one is Jordan," I explain, so they know who is who. Jordan waves in the background, we wave back. Jordan is just kind of there I guess, since he can't see us all the time.

"You're good with names, Lily," Xander says to me. Im taken aback for a second, not sure how to respond, "Yeah, it's not often that we meet anybody new around here," I say, trying to lighten the mood a little. He smiles at me with that adorable smile of his that just... never mind, what am I thinking, once again. "Alright, so Lily, can you tell me who all haunts this hotel?" He questions, pulling something out of his pocket that looks like its for his 'ghost hunting'. "Me, Sally, Jake, and Mr. Jackson, but Jackson likes to keep to himself," I answer, as if this were an interview, I guess it kind of is. He asks about 10 more questions, and then turns off the device and heads toward the elevator. I know where he is going next.

When Xander and Jordan get into the elevator all i can hear are the muffled voices of their conversation. All of a sudden I am overcome with anxiety. I do that sometimes, when I worry. I do hope they are careful around Mr. Jackson. They don't know what he is capable of, and that terrifies me. After getting some dumbfounded looks from Sally and Jake, i decide I should probably stop staring at the elevator door.

I really don't know what to do at the moment. The hotel is almost empty, so there is plenty of room, there's just nothing to do. Then Jake announces that he's bored and Sally agrees with him, so I ask "Why don't you go get some of your toys from downstairs?" and they take my advice and go. All of a sudden, I hear some yelling that sounds like Xander, and then some rapid footsteps, and that's when I find out that the guys have just made a huge mistake.

I hear more stomping around and yelling, though I can't quite make out what they are saying. My anxiety comes back, I knew that this was going to happen, and I feel horrible. Then, all at once, the noise stops. I begin to think something horrible has happened when I hear a nasty growl of mister Jackson's.

Then there is more yelling, and my anxiety and worry are sky high. There's no telling what could happen from here. Then, more silence. At least 10 seconds of it. Then a terrified gasp from Jordan, I know it's Jordan because Xander was across the hall by the sound of the footsteps. Then one more burst of running footsteps, but this time, from the opposite direction. There is one last silence and I know the worst has happened. All I can do is stand where I am and gape in horror.

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