Chapter 12: Xander

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Lily walks up the stairs with two little hands in hers. Both of the kids that she mentioned, I'm guessing. They are both just as blond as she is and actually look like they could be her kids if she were older. There are definitely resemblances. "Hey guys," I say, trying to open up a conversation, literally trying to keep from bouncing up and down in excitement. "Hi," they both say, a little shyly but you can tell they are happy. "That one's Xander, and the other one is Jordan," Lily tells them, they look at her as if she is their biggest role model ever. It's adorable. Jordan waves in the background, they wave back. It's not many days that we just openly have conversations with willing ghosts that just walk right up to us.

"You're good with names, Lily," I say, still trying to get a conversation going. "Yeah, it's not often that we meet anybody new around here," She replies. Sense of humor, just makes her more beautiful. I just smile at her, not really having anything to say. "Alright, so Lily, can you tell me who all haunts this hotel?" I ask, pulling out my digital recorder and starting up this investigation. "Me, Sally, Jake, and Mr. Jackson, but Jackson likes to keep to himself," she answered, i know i didn't get it all on my recorder because Jordan barely heard anything. I asked the rest of the questions that I had for them and asked them to move a few things for me, and overall I think we got some pretty good evidence for anyone who can't see ghosts like I can. Now it's time to go meet mister Jackson, the mean one. I've been waiting for this all night.

As we walk to the elevator, I can't help but get a little bit jittery. I mean, you would think that i would be somewhat hesitant, but after years of doing this, i'm really not. "Hey, Jordan? Why do you think this place has an elevator? It's only like 4 stories high." He replies with, " Well, maybe some people don't like to walk up 4 flights of stairs." "Yeah, I guess you're right," is all I say. I am trying to start conversation but I guess the silence doesn't bother him. I have no Idea how. It's pitch black and all we have to see with are the little lights around the elevator buttons. It's really creepy and claustrophobic. So, I would rather it not be silent too.

The elevator dings, and the doors slide open. We let ourselves out into the dark hallway, more than likely, Mr. Jackson just isn't going to be like "Hey guys, I'm in here, you want a sandwich?" so I guess we're going to have to find him on our own. It probably isn't the best way to confront an angry old dead man, but I guess I have to provoke him so he will come out. So I start yelling, " Hey, Mr. Jackson? The one who likes messing with the living for fun!?" Right then, It starts working. A table is knocked over, somewhere down the hallway, and Jordan and I run after the sound full speed. Well, as full speed as we can without falling in the dark.

I catch a glimpse of an eye looking at me through a partly opened door. Seeing it, sends chills down my spine. Just the thought of being watched, frightens me a little bit. I know who it is though. It's Mr. Jackson. Then, just like that, he's gone. "Come on out! You like to toy with people and scare them out of here, well come and do that to me! Show yourself, coward!" I yell, getting a little out of control. Then I hear a fearsome growl, right behind me, followed by "I'm not a coward, you are the coward here." He has the most gravely, dark voice I've ever heard in a ghost before. Then he shows himself to me once again, this time at the corner at the end of the hallway.

He doesn't look nearly as evil or scary as he sounds, after all, he isn't a demon. He's just a mean bully of a ghost who thinks he can push everyone around. I hate bullies and that's probably why I say this. "If you aren't a coward, then you are just a pathetic excuse for a bully, scaring people for your own sheer pleasure." Then i give him a look, letting him know that i'm making a mockery of him. That's his last straw I guess, because now he runs at me like a cheetah after a gazelle, and there isn't anything i can do.

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